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Topic Replies Last postsort ascending Forum
Normal topic does not give any information about season and episode
by ebjo on Sat, 2020-07-18 16:38
5 by Blackbear199
Thu, 2020-09-10 17:49
SiteIni requests
Normal topic
by oldpoem on Wed, 2020-09-09 20:58
5 by oldpoem
Wed, 2020-09-09 23:18
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Line ups I try no working so I guess new ini is needed
by samnight on Sat, 2020-08-29 22:31
8 by samnight
Mon, 2020-09-07 07:06
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Is this tutorial ever going to happen?! (Creating own Site Ini)
by StralEPG on Sat, 2020-09-05 02:07
5 by mat8861
Sun, 2020-09-06 22:12
Normal topic Un_Registered User?
by KenBun_02 on Sun, 2020-09-06 11:42
2 by KenBun_02
Sun, 2020-09-06 14:16
Normal topic [MALTA] Both & not working
by x434 on Tue, 2020-05-05 19:59
10 by mat8861
Sun, 2020-09-06 11:48
SiteIni requests
Normal topic
by samnight on Wed, 2020-09-02 23:39
1 by samnight
Sun, 2020-09-06 05:27
SiteIni requests
Normal topic not grabbing
by extream87 on Wed, 2019-08-07 16:45
12 by maxcalavera
Sat, 2020-09-05 21:41
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Weird title display in kodi
by janvk82 on Thu, 2020-09-03 20:40
2 by mat8861
Fri, 2020-09-04 21:45
Hot topic no result for series (Page: 1, 2)
by julian on Wed, 2017-12-20 19:23
53 by Philip2_wg
Fri, 2020-09-04 08:09
Mdb & Rex
Normal topic run multiple configuration files
by zantac75 on Thu, 2020-09-03 20:30
by zantac75
Thu, 2020-09-03 20:30
Sticky topic PROBLEM with license or decryption? See FAQ
by mat8861 on Thu, 2020-06-18 20:03
by mat8861
Thu, 2020-09-03 15:14
Normal topic Australia
by samnight on Wed, 2020-09-02 22:41
1 by samnight
Thu, 2020-09-03 05:21
SiteIni requests
Normal topic (russia) - is it possible to fix it?
by toleeck on Wed, 2020-09-02 16:55
2 by mat8861
Wed, 2020-09-02 22:25
SiteIni requests
Normal topic usa channel list "now shows in indexpage"
by aitana19021997 on Tue, 2020-09-01 17:54
14 by aitana19021997
Wed, 2020-09-02 21:11
Normal topic O2TV.CZ.ini (Unable to update channel)
by djlucas456 on Wed, 2020-09-02 15:10
1 by mat8861
Wed, 2020-09-02 16:41
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Several days of history (archive) in the TV-Guide
by toleeck on Tue, 2020-09-01 14:15
4 by toleeck
Wed, 2020-09-02 16:35
Normal topic Episode data displaying on TVMosaic
by kfussmann on Mon, 2020-08-31 13:57
1 by mat8861
Mon, 2020-08-31 17:53
Normal topic Problem grabbing at
by kfussmann on Sat, 2020-08-29 14:06
2 by kfussmann
Mon, 2020-08-31 13:48
Normal topic doesnt grab with webgrab
by aitana19021997 on Sun, 2020-08-30 17:02
3 by aitana19021997
Mon, 2020-08-31 10:00


Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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