I have a Russian channel that has English audio on the stream and I want to grab the epg for the channel. However all the Russian site.ini pull the epg in Russian.
Is there a way to either tell the site.ini to pull the epg data in English or translate it to English after its been pulled automatically?
Please reply in simple English and step by step as if you reply with do xyz in code I will not have a clue what you mean!
The site.ini I was using is tv.yandex.ru.channels.ini
Thank you
As there's been no answer I can only assume it's either not possible or no one knows how.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know
You asking too much, cannot be translated. Only solution is find that channel with english epg, may be in another siteini
All the Russian site ini output the channel epg in Russian.
This channel is not in any siteini that outputs by default in English that broadcast the same content. (Might be same channel name but not broadcasting same content in that country)
I'm sure it could be done with a Google translate api where you can say anything in xyz language translate to English but I'm not a coder but I'll see if there's any existing software available that I can play around with.
Which channel is this ?
Russian version of Discovery
Also if you know a siteini that can pull the Eastern European Sport 1 (Lithuanian different from the western/German Sports 1)