Since upgrading to beta v2.1.5 I'm seeing the characters (?) at the end of a lot of <title>(Program title) *</title> tags. The only character I remember seeing there was an asterick * that I always thought represented a new episode of the program.
This is only happening with channels taken from the site.ini. It's not not happening with channel links from 3 - 4 other site.inis in my config file. And it's not happening with all program titles for all channels where grabbed program titles end up as a mix of *, (?), or no characters at all.
Is that (?) a bug associated with the new betas, or does it represent something else?
So reading that FAQ, this sounds like an issue similar to the one I was having when I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.1.1, and added Deutsche Welle from to my config. At that point I started to see WG change every Deutsche Welle program title when running an incremental update on a guide xml I grabbed just minutes before. You explained this was due to a bug in webgrab I could ignore.
Since then I switched most UK channels to the ones in as the data loads a lot faster But now I'm seeing WG make title changes to virtually every UK channel running an incremental update immediately, or 24 hours after the 1st is completed. 90% of the log file looks like this;
[ Info ] ( 116/225 ) TVGUIDE.CO.UK -- chan. (xmltv_id=More4) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] suspicious title in index page
[ Debug ] Can't match any (sub)detail title(s) with any index title(s):
[ Debug ] index title(s):
[ Debug ] "Food Unwrapped"
[ Debug ] (sub)detail title(s):
[ Info ] forced update :
[ Info ] show REPLACED (forced update / overlap or timeorder error in EPG
[ Info ] show with ---- start = 19/04/2018 08:55:00 stop = 19/04/2018 09:30:00 title = WG.common.xmltv.Title
[ Info ] Replaces ----- start = 19/04/2018 08:55:00 stop = 19/04/2018 09:30:00 title = Food Unwrapped (?)
[ Debug ] suspicious title in index page
So you're saying that's an issue with the that needs to be addressed, yes? The (?) representing a discrepancy the ini causes reading program titles between successive data grabs.
But am I right in assuming the asterisk * at the end of the title tag should actually represent a new episode of the program?
So it looks like the bug is causing each show title appearing at the end of the 2nd "Replaces ---" line to be reported as "WG.common.xmltv.Title." It's causing updating Deutsche Welle program data via the ini to slow to a crawl as it affects every channel. Updating program data grabbed via the ini doesn't seem to slow up quite as much.
So does WG not detect or add any characters to represent new program episodes? Perhaps that asterisk has been something a number of guide websites add to represent new episodes and I'm just realizing it.