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tvg-id tags in M3U file matching with xmltv_id, but EPG empty for some channels?

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tvg-id tags in M3U file matching with xmltv_id, but EPG empty for some channels?

After I pulled my guide.xml file, I changed all tvg-id and tvg-name values in my M3U file to match the xmltv_id value in guide.xml, but somehow EPG works for some channels and not for others. All Belgian channels work, but for the Netherlands, only one works.

This one works for example:

<channel id="SBS9">
<display-name lang="nl">SBS9</display-name>
<icon src="" />

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="SBS9" tvg-name="SBS9" tvg-logo=" group-title="Nederland",NL : Sbs 9

This one doesn't:

<channel id="SBS 6 HD">
<display-name lang="nl">SBS 6 HD</display-name>
<icon src="" />

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="SBS 6 HD" tvg-name="SBS 6 HD" tvg-logo=" group-title="Nederland",NL : Sbs 6

I have no clue why I'm getting these results. The only difference I notice is that the ones working don't have spaces in their values, while the ones not working do have spaces in their values. Could that be it? Am I missing something else?

EDIT: replacing the blank spaces with underscores indeed solved my issue.

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