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I'm located in the united kingdom and want to grab epg data for US(East) channels, I tried using ini but it doesn't grab anything so I went to the website myself and sure enough it shows listing as united kingdom. I cannot change this, I can only get the website to show US channel data on the website if I connect using a chrome proxy connected to an american server.

I tried creating the cookie file while I was connected to the website with the proxy but still no luck..

So I'm wondering what I can do to grab US(East) Channels maybe there is another site I can use? need animal planet , HBO , Bravo, Discovery etc (Basically all the main cable channels)

I tried using and whilst it works fine and grabs everything I need, I get a warning saying "!! -- Warning :site doesn't allow EPG grabbing !!" which I could just ignore but I'm wondering what could happen if I contiuned grabbing the epg data with this warning?

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To open the page for the US from the UK you need to set your browser with a US proxy , I use zenmate from the google extentions and it serves the purpose well. But to grab from and get all details you need to set up a delay for each channel (as it causes a timeout for me) if you look in the siteini request you will see Blackbear gave me a solution for this and it works well. Or just use zap2it as i found that better.

Hope this helps

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thank you.. I got working and it's pulling data and it's much faster than zapit however I have one slight problem.

I'm getting the following error:

Unable to update channel CHANNELNAME
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from CHANNELNAME
unable to update channel, try again later

this is random.. sometimes it can go through 10 channels without this error and another time it will give me the error doesn't matter what channel either it's random sometimes it will work sometimes it will not.

I tried adjusting the channel-delay and index-delay but it hasn't really resolved this.. currently I'm using retry=<retry channel-delay="8" index-delay="3" time-out="5">4</retry>} but it's still hapenning does anyone know why? 

also.. is there anyway to make work with incremntal? if i run my grab once and re-run the grab right after instead of just adding new shows or updating shows if they have changed it is re-grabbing every show again even though I'm using the update="i"

when grab data from using update="i" it works perfectly if i re-run webgrab right after it doesn't re-add every single show it just skips the ones already in the guide.xml so i'm not sure why isn't doing this

thank you

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Ranga wrote:

thank you.. I got working and it's pulling data and it's much faster than zapit however I have one slight problem.

I'm getting the following error:

Unable to update channel CHANNELNAME
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from CHANNELNAME
unable to update channel, try again later

this is random.. sometimes it can go through 10 channels without this error and another time it will give me the error doesn't matter what channel either it's random sometimes it will work sometimes it will not.

I tried adjusting the channel-delay and index-delay but it hasn't really resolved this.. currently I'm using retry=<retry channel-delay="8" index-delay="3" time-out="5">4</retry>} but it's still hapenning does anyone know why? 

also.. is there anyway to make work with incremntal? if i run my grab once and re-run the grab right after instead of just adding new shows or updating shows if they have changed it is re-grabbing every show again even though I'm using the update="i"

when grab data from using update="i" it works perfectly if i re-run webgrab right after it doesn't re-add every single show it just skips the ones already in the guide.xml so i'm not sure why isn't doing this

thank you


The reason you are getting the error is has a time limit on the grab and then a rest period, for me it was 30 s grab 50s rest so anything during the rest period will have unable to update channel. I had set the retry channel to channel delay=20 index delay=10 and spread my files around so there were no more then 3 files together , Even then I had some not grabing data . Thats why i shifted to zap. does work in increments can you upload your log file also please check you are running the latest beta file, I had made that mistake not to long ago by not running the beta. 

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thanks for the reply again!

Ok.. so it is a timeout flood protection problem. I guess I will have to mess around with the delays more and space the channels out so it isn't running channels all at once.

I'm currently using version 1.57(this is the latest version right?) upon re-checking the log file it is infact working now and skipping shows already grabbed.

If I can't get to work correctly by adjusting the delays further I'll have to switch over to zap, although it is nearly 3/4 times as slow as for some reason which is why I'm prefering

I have one last question if you don't mind? I keep seeing these errors in the log file, and not sure why.

[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=AE) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=ABC) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=AMC) in the config file

it does this error for every channel I have in my config, what does this mean? as the grab works fine still

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That just shows that the channel already  has data. I have not found that any problem.


i have changed all my grabs and I run 12 xml so it was just too much re-runs. so the stitch. also even if it takes 40 min for 200 channels with zap2it it still saves me redoing it.

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Oh i see.. thanks Blackbear199!

if I cannot get rid of the delay timeout problem I'll have to switch over!

Thanks for all your help retrorat1. I appreciate it!

Just a quick question it's slightly off-topic but do you know if it's possible to grab channel data from an already made guild.xml? Basically I want to create categories xml's and was thinking of having one big guild.xml with every channel I need then setup another webgrab to use that guild.xml and grab only channels I listed in my config instead of re-grabbing the data from the tv guide website?

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Ranga wrote:

Oh i see.. thanks Blackbear199!thanks

if I cannot get rid of the delay timeout problem I'll have to switch over!

Thanks for all your help retrorat1. I appreciate it!

Just a quick question it's slightly off-topic but do you know if it's possible to grab channel data from an already made guild.xml? Basically I want to create categories xml's and was thinking of having one big guild.xml with every channel I need then setup another webgrab to use that guild.xml and grab only channels I listed in my config instead of re-grabbing the data from the tv guide website?


There is a way but i could never get it working for me Blackbear is the one who can help in that .

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retrorat1 wrote:

Ranga wrote:

Oh i see.. thanks Blackbear199!thanks

if I cannot get rid of the delay timeout problem I'll have to switch over!

Thanks for all your help retrorat1. I appreciate it!

Just a quick question it's slightly off-topic but do you know if it's possible to grab channel data from an already made guild.xml? Basically I want to create categories xml's and was thinking of having one big guild.xml with every channel I need then setup another webgrab to use that guild.xml and grab only channels I listed in my config instead of re-grabbing the data from the tv guide website?


There is a way but i could never get it working for me Blackbear is the one who can help in that .

Oh ok! I will create a new thread as it's off-topic here hopefully he will see it.. thank you again

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Hi there, I am in the UK too and have been using this for
<retry channel-delay="5" index-delay="1" show-delay="1" time-out="5">4</retry>

for about 2 months now without any issues. :)

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Last seen: 5 months will give you exactly the same warning about not allowing grabbing!  Don't worry it's a legal warning thing about robots, the data is still good.

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