How to I fix this, when grabber gives wrong start and stop times?
On grabbed xml:
<programme start="20161002170000 +0300" stop="20161002190000 +0300" channel="Viasat Film">
<title lang="fi">Kunnon dinosaurus</title>
and on www.iltapulu.fi shows that start time is 20:00 =>
Kunnon dinosaurus
I'm using current iltapulu's sites.ini
Br, O
I done that, but why start time doesn't change?
e.g. <programme start="20161002200000 +0000" stop="20161002220000 +0000" channel="Viasat Film">
<title lang="fi">Kunnon dinosaurus</title>
Br, O
ah, okay. Now I see. My problem is, because I using my own script to make epg,evts file to my Topfield.