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Splitting EPG into 2 channels

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Splitting EPG into 2 channels


Is it possible to split the data for the Australian channels ABC2 Aand ABC Kids:

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="Region=73##PayRegion=168##284791" xmltv_id="ABC2 / KIDS">ABC2 / KIDS</channel>


The channels operate at different times, but have 2 different streams.

Was wondering if they can be split like BBC and CBBC is shown.


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Never tried this myself, but maybe you could use

Instead of merging 2 channels, you could try to split 2 channels.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years


That worked, here it is in case anyone else needs it:

    <channel period="05:00-19:00" site="" site_id="Region=73##PayRegion=168##284791" update="i" xmltv_id="ABC Kids">ABC Kids</channel>
    <channel period="19:00-05:00" site="" site_id="Region=73##PayRegion=168##284791" update="i" xmltv_id="ABC 2">ABC 2</channel>


One more question about this, rather than displaying "No program available" for when the channel is off air, is it possible to customise to display something like "Service resumes at 7PM"?



Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

Thanks for you're reply, unfortunately that will not work as there are 2 x ABC channels that this occurs with and maybe BBC4.

Also I have noticed when some channels are not scrubbed correctly they return a "no program available" title.

I was just hoping for a per channel solution.. If anyone can think of something would be great..

Otherwise this works brilliantly as it is, just wanted to be descriptively accurate!



Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

I have a working solution now..

I used the fixed channel option with the regular channel info to combine the channels.

Ths actually didn't work well due to the fixed time being UTC, so I created another fixed ini, renamed it to fixed_oz.ini and changed the UTC to UTC+10:00


Here it is for anyone else:

    <channel period="05:00-19:00" site="" site_id="Region=73##PayRegion=168##284791" update="i" xmltv_id="ABC Kids">ABC Kids</channel>
    <channel update="f" site="fixed_oz" site_id="19:00-05:00##title:Off Air##subtitle:Off Air##description:ABC Kids resumes service at 5AM Sydney time..##category:entertainment####" xmltv_id="ABC Kids">ABC Kids</channel>

    <channel update="f" site="fixed_oz" site_id="05:00-19:00##title:Off Air##subtitle:Off Air##description:ABC 2 resumes service at 7PM Sydney time..##category:entertainment####" xmltv_id="ABC 2">ABC 2</channel>
    <channel period="19:00-05:00" site="" site_id="Region=73##PayRegion=168##284791" update="i" xmltv_id="ABC 2">ABC 2</channel>


I've also attached the fixed_oz.ini might help someone else if they want to do the same for these channels.


I think I'm pretty much done with setting up my guide, will donate now as well.. Just wanted to say that maybe you can add another option for donations like bitcoin or bank transfer as not everyone can do paypal (I'll be donating through a friends account).



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