I'm trying to remove certain characters from title ( the ones that are illegal in file/folder names in Windows , such as " : " " ' " etc ...)
I've copied tv.sms.cz.m.ini to my siteini.user folder and added a line:
index_title.modify {remove|(":"}
Unfortunately it doesnt work. Resulting guide.xml still has the character I tried to remove. I've tried any combination of simple quotes, double quotes, I've also tried titleoriginal.modify {remove|":"} without any effect.
<programme start="20171116101500 +0100" stop="20171116121500 +0100" channel="Prima"> <title lang="cs">Rosamunde Pilcher: Padající hvězda</title> <title lang="">Sternschnuppen im August</title> <sub-title lang="cs">Padající hvězda</sub-title>
Any idea what am i doing wrong or have suggestion how to add all Windows file/folder illegal characters [\\/:*?\"<>|] into a single line ?
Thanks a lot for the regex. It works as expected.
Any idea why
did not work ?