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Mayor problem with webgrab this weekend

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Mayor problem with webgrab this weekend

Hi all,

I am using webgrab since 2013 and never had a problem like this. The application is V1.1.1 and also the ini-files are up-to-date. My config.xml links to different websites (, and

On friday 2016-01-29 I reconized the problem the first time. Normaly webgrab starts on 13:00 every day and needs about 2 hours to grab 94 channels. But this time webgrad grabs only 6 channels in 4 hours.

First I checked the internet connection and the ini-files. Second I used another config.xml within other websites. Third I check the website for updates of webgrab and ini. But everything looks perfect.

Afterwards I stard a longtime test. The result: Webgrab actuall needs 24 hours for about 18 channels of 94 channels. To grab the index of any webpage takes neerby 30 minutes. Webgrab shows a lot of "Connection time out" errors.

Need your help!!!! Thanks a lot.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years

Thanks for your feedback.

The current useragent in my config.xml is "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US)". I tried to us a random useragentstring, but changes nothing. Due to I chose "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; MAARJS; rv:11.0)", but also get no changes. Still the same problem.

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Next results:

siteini of and not working, these channel ini's needs an update


Is out there anyone using succsesfully?

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years

Since monday the grab on works fine to me. Looks like a server problem befor.

But the siteini of is cracked. Every channels links to gets the same epg. I used the sideid in the present config.xml here on Its looks to me the contain sideid's are wrong. Do you test extensivily?

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Have you seen how many sites wg++ supports? Currently it isn't possible to test all those sites on a regular basis. So no, we don't check sites (except the ones we use ourselves).


Tested here and everything works fine. Tested

  <channel update="i" site="" site_id="ZDF_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ZDF">ZDF</channel>
  <channel update="i" site="" site_id="RTL_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="RTL">RTL</channel>

So unless you give us more info about it, we can't do much.


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