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Living in the future need epg from past :-D

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Living in the future need epg from past :-D

Hi everyone, i'll try to explain my little problem that should be easy to solve for expert like you.

I live in New Caledonia ( UTC +11:00 )  and i need to get EPG from one day before but show it as today  ( hope it's clear )

example :

today is : 21/09/2016  , i need the EPG from 20/09/2016  ( because we get the show from yesterday )

more example :

On TF1 for the Tuesday 20/09/2016 at 20h55 they have the show Blindspot

we get it for the wednesday 21/09/2016 at 20h55

Hope this is clear :-(

forgot to say i use the last version :-)


thanks in advance for the help



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Last seen: 7 years

ok thanks for your answear  .

i've put the offset in the. ini to UTC+11:00

so it's what i get in the guide.xml

<programme start="20160921002000 +1100" stop="20160921010500 +1100" channel="tf1">

and it's what i think he should be (as i said the show of the 21-09-2016 will be displayed the 22-09-2016 in my country) :

<programme start="20160922002000 +1100" stop="20160922010500 +1100" channel="tf1">

at the moment i didn't try the guide.xml with any viewer. so you think when i'll try to see it trough the epg viewer it'll work?

in fact when i grab the epg at my date (which is 21-09-2016) webgrab have to get the epg from the 20-09-2016. so i should have FLASH at 00:20 and not ARROW in the epg for my date .


thanks for all


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i think too lol


but how can it show me the tvguide for today ( for me ) if guide.xml doesn't contains the tvguide of yesterday ?

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i'm sorrry i should have mentionned that i am not watching the channels from live...

my local tv provider have the show delayed of 24hr , so for example  arrow from the 21-09-2016 at 02:00 will be displayed the 22-09-2016 at 02:00

hope it'll be more helpfull now  :-D


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Last seen: 7 years

working like a charm with the time_correct

all i have to do now it's getting yesterday epg :-( , i saw that you can get the epg for many days in advance . how you use that option? cause in the guide xml i juste see the EPG for the day


thank you

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

you're a magician

in fact my provider as this :

but not working correctly


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