I cannot for the life of me get my ustvnow listings working, is there an issue with my config? Keep getting:
no index page data received from *Insert Channel Here*
unable to update channel, try again later
Existing guide data restored!
Any help? Config and ini posted below
Log posted here:
Log here:
In your interest do not post license data.
increase retry time-out="20" at least, even better use this https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/blob/master/site... just add you license data
For tvtv.us is a nightmare they limited epg and blocking grab, so it's better you get another siteini in USA folder or international.
I’ve had zero issues with tvtv.us so far, I’ll keep a backup in mind but I’ve just moved totally to tvtv.us for the time being. Increasing timeout did not help with ustv.now
Strange i use 80 and works fine