Hello WG++ Devs and community,
Before going deep into the subject here are the specs of the setup :
WebGrab+Plus V1.1.1 and patch exe V1.57.0
Windows 10 Pro
My current EPG is working while using "horizon.tv.fr.ini" and "horizon.tv.fr.channels.xml"
I want to speed it up a bit, is it possible ? (without being IP blacklisted by the way ..) for grabbing about 200 channels on 7 days, my computer takes about 5 hours to complete the task. My Internet speed is 250Mb down and 25Mb Up
I tried also to run WG++ into my own computer to check the speed and it's the same
I live in Switzerland, and I want to grab some Italian channels, but as far I've tested, currently using "laguidatv.it" it do not work.
I am wondering if this is because I need to request a newer ini file, or the website is blocking other IP address which is not italian ?
I tried to browse the website and it load successfully, so I guess it's not geo-blocked, but those it depends on an API or what ever ?
My setup is made on top of Proxmox VE
Intel Core i7 - 6700K 4GHz
32 GB of RAM
500 GB Samsung SSD EVO Basic
3 VM's
VM 1 : shares 4 USB DVB-T tuner inside, tvheadend installed as "master" because the lan traffic is routed trough this VM even for Satellites channels
VM 2 : shares 4 PCI-e DVB-S2 Quad-Tuner, tvheadend installed as "slave"
VM 3 : Windows 10 Pro which is used to generate the guide.xml file every day at 00:30 to finnish more or less it's task 5 hours later
You'll find the required files in the attached zip file,
Many thanks
Thank your for your tip, I'll try both of those sources
And sorry for the delayed answer