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Cron debian

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Cron debian

Well guys, finally I got the program running on vps, but I have no clue how to set wg++ in cron. Any chance someone can tell me in human language, what should I write in cron? I'm new in debian, first time I'm using it so be gentle pls! ;-)

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Thank you brother for your quick reply! But HOLY JESUS! I thought if I write, /root/.wg++ will do the trick, but of course I was wrong, again. So I can't just write ~/.wg++/ in cron, strange because if I write this in cron and click on start now, it's starts? I will try to decoding what u just wrote, and try that way


crontab -e
Error opening terminal: unknown.
crontab: "/usr/bin/sensible-editor" exited with status 1



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OMG!!!!!!! I LOVE U M8!!!!!!

> /root/.wg++/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe

             WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version  V2.1              

                                Jan van Straaten                                
                             Francis De Paemeleere                              

            thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users             

WebGrab+Plus  V2.1

Usage: WebGrab+Plus [OPTIONS...] [CONFIG_FOLDER]

  This is the absolute path to the configuration folder.
  The configuration folder must contain at least a WebGrab++.config.xml file.

Job started at 04/10/2017 19:09:31
Job finished at 04/10/2017 19:09:31 done in 0s
Config syntax exception:
      file: WebGrab++.config.xml
WG.Common.InvalidConfigException: [Error   ] Doesn't exist
  at WGconsole.Config..ctor (System.String ConfigurationFilePath) [0x000b6] in <274ad6f9740e441a95b86a1d1148edca>:0 
For detailed info, see log file WebGrab++.log.txt
Execution stopped



now im just going to copy the config xml and ono big step closer! THANK UUUUUUUUUU

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 months

Man! U can't even imagine how happy I'm! and u have no idea how much I appreciate your efforts and patience! I'm own u a BIG ONE!!!
One more question if u don't mind. If I create more folder inside bin like grab1 grab2 etc... And copy the webgrab.xml and ini files and config.xml, I can run More webgrab in the same time? Or I'm wrong again?

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Thank you! Will check it out! But at the moment I'm so happy, I'm jumping all over In the room, like f**** Christmas Aaaaaaaaaaaaa man I can't thank u enough!!!!

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 months

Well big brother Blackbear199
Everything is working like a charm thanks to u!but I have a question again, finally I managed to generate the epg.xml in the public html folder so I have access for the epg ( only took 2 days and lot of reading :)) but the question is, when wg start the scheduled grabbingthe existing epg.xml is gone, replaced with the new and not finished epg. Is any opinion to keep the old epg.xml till the new not done and just after wg finished the new one over write the old existing one?

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Last seen: 4 months

I don't know if this info is outdated already or I can't read right.

I freshly installed Raspbian Stretch on RPi 3, installed Wg++.  There is a script named "" installed by the installer, it runs fine from the CLI after I chmod ed it.

I am logged in as user pi

My crontab is: (changing the time for a few minutes ahead)

15 15 *  *  *  "$HOME"/.wg++/

Also tried

15 15 * * * /home/pi/.wg++/


15 15 * * * /home/pi/.wg++/bin/WebGrab+Plus "/home/pi/.wg++"


And several other paths.  They seem to work in the CLI but not with cron.

Any ideas?


Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 4 months

I'm not sure what I did different but cron started working with "/home/pi/.wg++/".  I suppose I had a persistant typo.

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Hi to evryone i have problem with cron i tried evrythink and it doesnt start on my vps on ubuntu 14.04.

My cron is in var/spool/crontabs/cron  root   i tried with this commands in cron nothing worked

40 1 */4 * * cd /var/www/ && ./

20 2 */3 * * /var/www/ "/var/www/"

 20 2 */4 * * /var/www/

i realy dont know what else i can try and where i making mistake. when i start it manualy evrithing work perfect.

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