Hi all - starting to get to grips with WG+ now...however, I am still having 'no index page' errors for some channels. The steps I have undertaken are:
1) Using WG+ v3, run in update mode 'c' to refresh channel lists.
2) Re run with WG+ in update mode 'f' with the config file updated to include the channels I want to scrape (see attached).
3) Checked the site_Id in my config file is correct vs that in 'm.tvguide.co.uk-full.channels.xml' (see attached).
4) As an example in the WG+ log (see attached), 'Disney XD HD' has a site_ID of 682 in my config file AND the channels.xml file for this scraper, so I presume this isn't user error on my part.
5) Checked my output in 'guide.xml' (also see attached). I can see a channel entry for 'Disney XD HD', but no EPG data.
...as you can see from the attached log, I have several channels from this particular scraper where I am not getting any EPG data. Anyone got any ideas what the cause might be?
first increase your timeout in config to 60 instead of 5. some of these, i would say almost all need update.Did you try with another ini in siteini.pack ?
Getting 'no index page' a lot too. so I tried creating a channel xml and get the same thing. v3.0 with current .ini
change your user agent, you can check here and replace the one you have
Thanks. Tried a bunch of different ones from Chrome, Firefox, Opera....same result.
User agent swap also makes little difference for me...is there a list of known scrapers with issues, or is it basically trial and error? I can write some algorithms that will try a scraper, validate the output and then try another one, but it's a lot of code to write...I'd rather just know which ones to avoid if possible...
here mine
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36
also did you add the decrypt key ?
That user agent didn't work, but....it looks like the error only applies to the channel I was trying to get data on (eirsports2). I can get data on other channels, but still can't generate a channel list using the "c" update. That's ok though, I'm not going to worry about it. Maybe the channel got removed or something.
here ...update c works ok for me. There is no eire sports 2
Guess that's why there was no data for it then. LOL Still don't know why the update c isn't working though. Does this looks right to you?
Sample attached, change path, add decrypt key, change license info and try