In my epg xmltv file I get an icon source entry, I wonder if there is anyway how to not grab that info.
This is how it looks like in the xml file:
<channel id="">
<display-name lang="sv">SVT1</display-name>
<icon src=""">" />
and this is how I would like it to look like:
<channel id="">
<display-name lang="sv">SVT1</display-name>
so in the information part in the epg xmltv file is best to edit wit rex?
if you look bellow, there is som info about vategory, icon source and in some posts I have also seen actors/actres.
Is there anyway to get rid of that or is it to use rex?
<programme start="20160913131500 +0200" stop="20160913160000 +0200" channel="">
<title lang="sv">Riksmötets öppnande</title>
<desc lang="sv">Direkt från Riksmötets högtidliga öppnande. Kung Carl XVI Gustaf inleder traditionsenligt och statsminister Stefan Löfven (S) presenterar sin regeringsförklaring. Årets regionala tema, som syns i program, mat och utsmyckning, är norra Norrland. Musikunderhållning av Janne Schaffer, Arméns musikkår med flera. Efter ceremonin intervjuas samtliga partiledare av Mats Knutson.</desc>
<category lang="sv">Nyheter</category>
<category lang="sv">Public affairs</category>
<category lang="sv">Special</category>
<icon src=""">" />
you are so helpful in this, thank you.
I have just one last question I cant see anything in the rex documentation.
at the end of my programme section there is an icon src (not the same as in the begining of the xml file), is there any way to remove that, can't find anything about that in rex.
<icon src=""">"">" />