I have noticed that Sky have been adding the prefix "New:" to the beginning of the title of first runs of some of its programmes - seems to be most prevalent on ITV.
Is there any way to remove this before importing it into Argus TV?
I have noticed that Sky have been adding the prefix "New:" to the beginning of the title of first runs of some of its programmes - seems to be most prevalent on ITV.
Is there any way to remove this before importing it into Argus TV?
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
Guessing it is uk-sky.ini.
You could remove it by adding
in the siteini.
Hi Francis.
It is indeed the uk-sky.ini
I copied and pasted the extra code into the ini and it did not seem to do anything.
Was I correct in putting it in, so the preceeding line would read like this?
description.scrub {regex||<p class=\"bubble-programme-description description\">(.+?)</p>||}
description.modify {remove(type=regex)|"^\s*New\s*\:\s*"}
Yes of course, title instead of description.
And if you use incremental mode, you should also do the remove on the index titles.
Thank you both so much!
Works perfectly now.