Hi again :)
I was wondering how to treat a site that has its EPG in 2 languages ? is it possible from the site.ini file to do that?
I am asking because if I use the site.ini of language 1 some shows are missing the title and if I use the site.ini with the language 2 (which the 100% complete, nothing missing) it displays english movies/shows names in this language which makes you wonder about the real english name of that movie/show.
any help would be much appreciated.
It's a bit difficult to answer this. Which siteini are you refring to? Which languages?
And .. remember http://webgrabplus.com/content/rules-guidlines
Thanks WGMaker for your reply.
Would you be kind enough to guide me on to how to grab this page:
Worked a lot on it and can't find a solution, all shows are crammed into one slot (in the xmltv file, they all have the same start and stop times) !!
Thanks in advance.
Forget to paste what I'm using as ini file :)))
site {url=mbc.net|timezone=GMT|maxdays=6.1|cultureinfo=ar-IQ|charset=utf-8|titlematchfactor=90}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy/MM/dd}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi(debug)|<div class="archttl">||</p>|</p>}}
*index_showicon.scrub{url|http://www.mbc.net|<img src="http://webgrabplus.com/%7C%7C"|alt=}
*index_start.scrub {multi(include="GMT")|<li>||</li>|</li>}
*index_start.scrub {regex||(\d{2}\:\d{2})\sGMT||}
index_start.scrub {multi(include="GMT")|<li>||</li>|</li>}
index_description.scrub {single|<p>||</p>|}
index_title.scrub {single|<h3>||</h3>|</h3>}
index_title.modify{cleanup(debug tags="<"">")}
Ans the test channel in the config xml file is :
<channel update="i" site="mbc.net" site_id="/ar/mbc2\grid.html" xmltv_id="mbc2">mbc2</channel>
It grabs everything but all shows have the same start and stop times (programme start="20151004000000 +0000" stop="20151004000000 +0000" channel="mbc2">)