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Is there a way to make a guide via a dummy.ini?

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Is there a way to make a guide via a dummy.ini?

Is there a way to make a guide by using the dummy.ini file? Let me elaborate...
At the moment the dummy.ini file will make one TV show that plays from 00:00-23:99, but what if I have a stream that airs one thing for 12 hours, and another for the following 12 hours. Can I make the dummy.ini file recognise this by editing it, or is it a matter of having duplicate .ini files and using the combi channel method?
Thank you for any help and assistance you can offer.

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Hi  Ray,


I have changed the dummy.ini such that you can let it produce any number of dummy show per day you like. But you have to do some work for that. The new ini is @

When you open this file in a text editor you will find the following lines:

* the shows for one day:
index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-23:59##Full Day Show####} * one show per day example
*index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-12:00##First show####12:00-00:00##Second show####} * 2 shows per day example
*index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-06:00##Night show####6:00-12:00##Morning show####12:00-18:00##Afternoon show####18:00-00:00##Evening show####} * 4 shows per day example

In the line
index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-12:00##First show####12:00-00:00##Second show####} * 2 shows per day example
the yellow marked part is the way to specify a show for a period of the day. It starts with the start time , here 00:00 ,then, separated from the start time with a -, the stop time here 12:00, then a separator string ## and then the showtitle, here First show, followed by the show terminator string ####

The * at the beginning disables the line , thus as default only the one show per day example line is active and the ini will produce just one show per day, as the previous dummy.ini

Just choose one of the example lines for one, two or four shows per day. You can also edit the example lines to suit your needs or add your own. Be carefull not to create overlapping shows!



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Hey Jan, thanks for this. By chance, is there anyway that you can set descriptions for the shows too? That would really top this off. :D Thanks.

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Here an example of the 2 shows per day example

index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-12:00##_title:First show##_desc:first show description.####12:00-00:00##_title:Second show##_desc:second show description.####} * 2 shows per day example

index_start.scrub {single()|||-|-}
index_stop.scrub {single()|-||#|#}
index_title.scrub {single()|##_title:||#|#}
index_description.scrub {single()|##_desc:||#|#}

Basicly, you add for every show the next line:

00:00-12:00##_title:First show##_desc:first show description.

And the shows are separated by 4 #.

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Thank you Francis. :)

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francis wrote:

Here an example of the 2 shows per day example

index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-12:00##_title:First show##_desc:first show description.####12:00-00:00##_title:Second show##_desc:second show description.####} * 2 shows per day example

index_start.scrub {single()|||-|-}
index_stop.scrub {single()|-||#|#}
index_title.scrub {single()|##_title:||#|#}
index_description.scrub {single()|##_desc:||#|#}

Basicly, you add for every show the next line:

00:00-12:00##_title:First show##_desc:first show description.

And the shows are separated by 4 #.

Hello, sorry for adding this here but how can we add parental rating to this dummy.ini?
Also i need to make two dummy xml channels, one for channels without parental ratings and one for channels with parental ratings. How can we define two channels here ?

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One year later we are closer to our target :)  I will appreciate any help here to hit my target with webgrab :) Thank you


My target: 

<programme start="20160107220000 +0000" stop="20160107230000 +0000" channel="16809">
    <title lang="bul">Еротичен канал</title>
    <desc lang="bul">Съдържание за възрастни Забранено за лица под 18 години</desc>
    <category name="bg">филми за възрастни/драма</category>
        <value country="bul">18</value>

My dummy.ini now:

* @header_start
* WebGrab+Plus ini for grabbing EPG data from TvGuide websites
* @Site: your_site_name
* @MinSWversion: V0
*   none
* @Revision 2 - [15/07/2014] Jan van Straaten
*   added a choice of more than one show per day
* @Revision 1 - [21/05/2014] Jan van Straaten
*   added timezone
* @Revision 0 - [22/04/2013] Jan van Straaten
*   none
* @Remarks:
*   A SiteIni that creates a dummy xmltv guide with one or more show every day
* @header_end
site {cultureinfo=bg-BG|timezone=UTC+02:00|maxdays=10.1|charset=utf-8|skip=<skip>noskip</skip>|keepindexpage}
url_index {url|} * just an empty page
index_showsplit.scrub {single||||} * copies the html page
index_showsplit.modify {clear}
scope.range {(splitindex)|end}
* the shows for one day:
*index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-23:59##Full Day Show####} * one show per day example
*index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-12:00##First show####12:00-00:00##Second show####} * 2 shows per day example
*index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-06:00##070042244####6:00-12:00##070042244####12:00-18:00##070042244####18:00-00:00##070042244####} * 4 shows per day example
index_variable_element.modify {addstart|00:00-02:00##070042244####02:00-04:00##070042244####04:00-06:00##070042244####06:00-08:00##070042244####08:00-10:00##070042244####10:00-12:00##070042244####12:00-14:00##070042244####14:00-16:00##070042244####16:00-18:00##070042244####18:00-20:00##070042244####20:00-22:00##070042244####22:00-00:00##070042244####} 
index_showsplit.modify {addstart()|'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'####'index_variable_element'}
index_showsplit.modify {replace()|####|\|} * convert to multi
index_start.scrub {single()|||-|-}
index_stop.scrub {single()|-||#|#}
index_title.scrub {single()|##|||}
*index_start.modify {addstart|00:00}
*index_stop.modify {addstart|23:59}
index_title.modify {addstart|Забранено за лица под 18 години - }
index_description.modify {addstart|TVSAT COM - Забранено за лица под 18 години .}
index_rating.scrub {single|<span class="star appendLink series">|">|</a>|</a>}
index_rating.modify {addstart|18}

My result:

  <programme start="20160108000000 +0200" stop="20160108020000 +0200" channel="adult1.362">
    <title lang="bg">Еротичен канал</title>
    <desc lang="bg">Съдържание за възрастни Забранено за лица под 18 години</desc>

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