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Hardware mismatch detected after changing only OS on same laptop

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Hardware mismatch detected after changing only OS on same laptop

I've been using WG for like 7 months or so, since 1st day I've been using it only on same laptop on Windows 10.

I decided to install Windows 8.1 again but WG gives this error. Log shows nothing different than WG itself.

It's same device, no hardware changed, only OS version. WG is freshly installed and Config is old one I made as backup obviously just to replace blank Config.

I literally haven't used anything else yet, Notepad++ and WG++ are currently only installed programs on this fresh Win 8.1

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try to delete the .lic files and run update license, that should do it

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 3 months
mat8861 wrote:

try to delete the .lic files and run update license, that should do it

Yes thank you that fixed it!

However I've found another problem with Slovenia -->

WebGrab is saying me that si-SI is invalid culture identifier. Below in the list of all countries it shows sl (SL). But no SL is not for Slovenia, every .xml in Slovenia folder is because .si is short for Slovenia. Is this something new in WebGrab? What's the purpose of it? I was using same version for months before. Now with new Windows I've got latest stable WG version.

I've also seen that for Serbia it shows sr but it's not sr. It shouldn't be, for Serbia it's rs-RS.

So I don't know how to fix this problem for Slovenia

The error it gives doesn't make sense to me.

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Slovenia culture code is sl-SI .. not si-SI .
You can get all available valid culture codes in the log file if you specify cultureinfo=? and run.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 34 min

the correct one is sl-SI for Slovenian (Slovenia) I think was changed due to a problem on linux. I set it back as it should be.
For Serbia according to the list is correct sr. Remember this are cultureinfo (used in .net ) and not iso country codes.

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