Ok, so UK has flipped to daylight saving GMT +1
So in the sky.com.EK.ini file i chnage timezone=UTC to timezone=Europe/London
I then get errors to the effect of:
found: /.wg++/uk/working/sky.com.EK.ini -- Revision 18
[ Info ] encrypted with userkey and expiry date in 'new (V3)' mode
[Warning ] Unable to decrypt!!
[Error ] fatal decryption error: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
Why cant i change the timnezone in the ini?
you can but you need to do it in the right way, example: Europe/London change to UTC
1. Highlight Europe/London and type in UTC
Do not go back space to delete and then type...this brakes encryption and return the padding is invalid (corrupted encryption).
Btw i don't think you should change the time on sky.com.uk as it is utc. http://www.webgrabplus.com/faq#faq_1238
Do you mean replace Europe/London with UTC, like below..
Also, UK have daylight saving, and shifts to +1 right.......
no is still |timezone=UTC| not just UTC Anyway, mine was an example on how to edit site line without breaking encryption. Another example:
ratingsystem=GB|episodesystem=onscreen} hilight episodesystem=onscreen replace with episodesystem=xmltv_ns without going back(arrow back) to delete first.
Back to siteini sky.com.uk why do you want to change timezone ?
Heya, well because UK are gmt+1 right now, and with UTC in the siteini, i was getting +0000 for all programs in the xml. Meaning all programs were out by an hour.
I managed to highlight the UTC in the siteini and past the Europe/London over the top of it, and its runs ok now. Im also getting gmt+1 in the xml, so i think its all good.
I have some doubts it will be ok, look when you import it into a player, but again it depends on the player.
I've had to change timezones before to cater for British Summer Time (using Europe/London rather than UTC which doesn't cater for BST) and it's never been a problem for TVHeadend