I checked it and I can't do it or I just didn't work?
version v5 pvrnext also can not add epg automatically every channel I have to add manually
I don't know if it is the fault of the pvrnext server or the guide.xml structure made with the weebgrab program
You install wg++ for linux (install also mono), set the output in webgrab.config to a path where nextpvr can get the guide.xml file.
true !
but I don't see this option in pvr
"ad local file"
I added the url later I edited the config.xml file
and I changed the url to the location of the guide.xml file
location folder on ubuntu:
here : http://www.webgrabplus.com/documentation/interact-your-pvr-software/nextpvr
for ubuntu you need to adapt the same that refers to the appropriate folders.
thanks, I will try
I checked it and I can't do it or I just didn't work?
version v5 pvrnext also can not add epg automatically every channel I have to add manually
I don't know if it is the fault of the pvrnext server or the guide.xml structure made with the weebgrab program