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Struggling with tvpassport channel/provider generation

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Struggling with tvpassport channel/provider generation

Hi guys, long time user of webgrabs but this one has really got me baffled...

I am trying to generate a fresh channels.xml for tvpassport however I am not having much luck.

There is 2 sections to the ini, provider generation and channel generation, whenver I run the grab to retrieve providers I am greeted with the error "No shows in index page".

No matter what I do I cannot work out the issue, I am seriously stumped and hope that someone can help. (running version 2.1.2)

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This is normal, most of the site.ini point to a different address to generate provider/bouquets/channels.

Example :  you need to use <channel update="i" site="" site_id="L9H1N3" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>


to grab the postal code L9H1N3 (or whatever you need) once you run webgrab will generate a channel list which is actually your provider (rename it to tvpassport.com_providersL9H1N3.xml or name it as you want !!)

After you are done you can the proceed with step 2 and generate channels with one of the lines contained in the provider list:

Example:     <channel update="i" site="" site_id="36989" xmltv_id="Broadcast-Dundas, ON">Broadcast-Dundas, ON</channel>


Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

Hi Matt and thanks for your reply...

I have tried using the exact line you stated however all that generates is a few listings for one channel and not the Providers list :/

I have attached the output xml for you to see what is generated.

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Have done exactly as you recommend and still having the same issue :(

Please find attached the config, log and channels/provider output file. This has really got me baffled.

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Revision 1 is the only available revision as far as I can see for tvpassport.

You seem to have attached an ini for arenasport.

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

Revision 2 working beautifully! Thank you very much for your time and help BlackBear :)

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