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Additional Configurations

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Additional Configurations

G'day...I have a need to have a different configuration for each lineup (EPG) for the 4 countries I am pulling EPG data for. For instance, I am pulling data for UK and USA. Currently, WG+ is in default installation and is working fine. However, there are too many channels to pull if I pull all channels together and takes too much time. So, I would like to set up a configuration for UK pulls and USA pulls on separate days so not to use too many resources.

I did read where I could use WebGrab+Plus.exe "C:\EPG\Configuation01" but this did not work for me. I went to C:\Users\snaitaz\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus in command prompt mode then executed WebGrab+Plus.exe "C:\EPG\Configuation01" exactly as shown. The following error was returned...

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus>WebGrab+Plus.exe "C:\EPG\Configuation01"
'WebGrab+Plus.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

So how can I add another config or is there a better way to do what I want to do? Thank you and cheers!!

Using version 2.1

WG++ Team memberDonator
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There is a field on top right corner "search"
anyway if you did standard installation you should cd to C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin
as the executable file is there, right ?

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin>WebGrab+Plus.exe

WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V2.1.5

Jan van Straaten
Francis De Paemeleere

thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

Job started at 06/02/2019 19:28:27
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G'day...thank you Matt for your input.I actually did review some of the similar situations in this forum and found the one I had indicated in my original request for help. That being said, I managed to find the answer in another forum which was geared towards another proggy but I was able to edit the procedure in order to make it work for my needs. All is good now ATM and I have scheduled a task to run the routines on auto. Tanks again for your assist. Cheers!!

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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if u look at ur original post and then at what matt said ur problem is here..

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus>WebGrab+Plus.exe "C:\EPG\Configuation01"

should be..
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe "C:\EPG\Configuation01"
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G'day BB...Thank you for pointing that out for me. The issue has been resolved thanks to people in this forum and others in other forums. Cheers!!

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