I have 2 config files, one for UK and one for USA, each one produces a different xml output file which is what I need as each one is for a different service. At the moment I run the UK one first, wait for it to finish then run the USA one, is there a way to make 1 config file that will produce 2 seperate xml files (differnet names) to speed up the process, lol
Ok, thank you. I wasn't sure if I could create 1 config file containing 2 data sets, lol
Good evening,
I have been using WG++ for a few weeks under Windows 10. I have only one executable file "WebGrab+Plus.exe". I didn't have tu duplicate it in different folders.
I use following command lines (simultaneously without any problems) :
c:\users\xxx\program files (x86)\webgrab+plus\bin\webgrab+plus.exe "c:\epg\epg_de"
c:\users\xxx\program files (x86)\webgrab+plus\bin\webgrab+plus.exe "c:\epg\epg_fr"
c:\users\xxx\program files (x86)\webgrab+plus\bin\webgrab+plus.exe "c:\epg\epg_uk"
etc ...
Only the config files and the siteini.pack is duplicated. Maybe the duplication of the siteini.pack is redundant (I haven't been investigating that yet)
I am willing to run the program under Linux (Debian 8). What would be the "argument" on the command line? Something like :
root@debian8:~/.wg++# ./run.sh ./wg++/epg_uk ? (Given that the config file is in a subfolder named epg_uk)
If I don't split by country, it takes a lot of time to grab everything. Splitting the files into 5 pieces reduces he processing time by 5. Also, there are channels that do not need a daily update. For instance, a channel like France 2 or ZDF is subject to rapid changes whereas Discovery or MTV are not. Also, as I mainly watch French-speaking channels, a daily update of the BBC or of the ZDF is not so important for me as France 2 is.
I will have a look at WGMulti when it is not so late in the evening. Sounds promising! It does run on Linux as well?