What's the best to get the tv guide for all Chanel's with the seasons and episode number ?
Thank you!
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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I did But did not get season and episode did mange to get te episode.
Also tryd it with mdb but never finds matches
I did But did not get season and episode did mange to get te episode.
Also tryd it with mdb but never finds matches
I did But did not get season and episode did mange to get te episode.
Also tryd it with mdb but never finds matches
Hi filoor,
I use the Horizon.tv ini for grabbing Ziggo channels.
I get results like this:
<programme start="20171021113000 +0000" stop="20171021120000 +0000" channel="Veronica HD Disney XD">
<title lang="nl">Walk the Prank</title>
<sub-title lang="nl">Baileys Band</sub-title>
<desc lang="nl">Serie. Er wordt op school een talentenjacht gehouden. Bailey wil De Drie Courtneys graag te grazen nemen en begint haar eigen band. Kijkwijzer: Let op met kinderen tot 9 jaar, programma bevat angst.</desc>
<actor>Cody Veith</actor>
<actor>Jillian Shea Spaeder</actor>
<actor>Brandon Severs</actor>
<category lang="nl">Kids</category>
<category lang="nl">Jeugd</category>
<category lang="nl">Jeugd 6 14</category>
<category lang="nl">Series</category>
<icon src="http://webgrabplus.com/%3Ca%20href%3D"https://wp7-images-nl-dynamic.horizon.tv/EventImages/230251848.p.bca3fab86970e480b272064203238e93fca4a3d4.jpg">https://wp7-images-nl-dynamic.horizon.tv/EventImages/230251848.p.bca3fab..." />
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.9.</episode-num>
<rating system="NL">
<star-rating system="IMDb">
Hi Wbmk,
That's also how mine looks like it's missing the season
Seems so... the season/episode info is not complete... however i don't use post-processing, so can't help you there..
maybe there is a way to use TheTVdb for postprocessing.. it has most season/episode info..
Hi Wbmk,
did try that but it never finds a metch .
Hi Blackbear199,
Thanks a lot is how can i change <episode-num system="onscreen"> to episodesystem=xmltv_ns
i change it in the horizon ini and it works but after mdb process it it wil change to <episode-num system="onscreen">