Since some days ago, I am trying to write one epg compatble with my m3u file. I want delete some data I don't need and after use the XML file.
To delete the data I use one machine linux and the command sed. When I finish to fix the file and I try to use it with my Kodi plsyer is not working. I checked the file with one XML validator and everything is fine. Checking the file with one windows editor I saw some difference, the original file is UTF8 without BOM and is windows format, mine after I edit is UTF8 with BOM and Linux format. Also if I fix this condition and fix the file is not working, I can see the file is download, decompress, Kodi read it, but the data are not available.
Can someone help me? What's the right format of the file XML I need use?
Is totally working before I edit. The file made by webgrab is totally compatible. I am deleting some tags because the software Kodi doesn't use it. I tried to remove with REX but I can't.
<url> , <premiere> and " (n)"
I know, the problem is not "clean" the file. The problem is, after is not compatible.
The commands I am using are:
sed -i "/<url/d" guide.xml
sed -i "/<premiere/d" guide.xml
sed -i "s/ (n)//g" guide.xml (Next time I will use your suggestion about)
Something after this job, make the file bad :(
I will try to use your suggestion. Thank you!
I found the problem. Any ways to edit the file are fine, I was using one version not fine of gzip to compress the xml file to .gz.
Tahnk you again to Blackbear199