My Apologies to everybody if this is considered a repeated post or not (i previously mentioned this problem before on a different subject thread).
(the wife and daughter are at my throat, as some of you might understand:) )
My issue is that I created a site.ini file and it grabs all the shows and descriptions but the problem is ALL shows have same start and stop times:
programme start="20151004000000 +0000" stop="20151004000000 +0000" channel="mbc2">
So I end up with an unusable guide (everything crammed in one slot). I know I am a noobie here but I need help from the community as usual :)
Here is my site.ini (far from perfect):
site {|timezone=GMT|maxdays=6.1|cultureinfo=ar-IQ|charset=utf-8|titlematchfactor=90}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy/MM/dd}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi(debug)|<div class="archttl">||</p>|</p>}}
*index_showicon.scrub{url||<img src=""">"|alt=}
*index_start.scrub {multi(include="GMT")|<li>||</li>|</li>}
*index_start.scrub {regex||(\d{2}\:\d{2})\sGMT||}
index_start.scrub {multi(include="GMT")|<li>||</li>|</li>}
index_description.scrub {single|<p>||</p>|}
index_title.scrub {single|<h3>||</h3>|</h3>}
index_title.modify{cleanup(debug tags="<"">")}
And here is the test channel in config.xml file:
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="/ar/mbc2\grid.html" xmltv_id="mbc2">mbc2</channel>
It even grabs all 6 days although I have "<timespan>0</timespan>"
Could anyone give me a hand here guys ?
Thanks in advance.
Please guys...I need a see I'm pretty lousy in writing this ini file :))