Does anyone know If there's a way to grab epg data straight into a tv addon in Kodi ?? I've already googled this but with no luck. I basically want to add a TV guide with at least the show that's currently being broadcasted at the time and maybe what comes next. All this to be shown in a different window, say, in the right hand side of the screen, always being inside the tv addon.
Thanks for your answer. I also use IPTV Simple Client but I would like to add the same guide to the addon itself, and was wondering if anyone has ever done this before.
Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know If there's a way to grab epg data straight into a tv addon in Kodi ?? I've already googled this but with no luck. I basically want to add a TV guide with at least the show that's currently being broadcasted at the time and maybe what comes next. All this to be shown in a different window, say, in the right hand side of the screen, always being inside the tv addon.
Thanks in advance.
You would need an addon that understands the XML output file from Webgrabplus
I use PVR IPTVsimple client
Thanks for your answer. I also use IPTV Simple Client but I would like to add the same guide to the addon itself, and was wondering if anyone has ever done this before.