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ConfigMaker tool for multiple configurations

Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.


WebGrab+Plus is a multi-site incremental xmltv epg grabber. It collects tv-program guide data from selected tvguide sites for your favourite channels.

Program Release

See changelog.txt for all the additions, bugfixes and updates

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Program Release

This new distro of the program is build in .NET5 ('core'). See
(version 3.x.x is build in the legacy .NET Framework 4.8)

The windows version of this runs as normal .. and should run on most Windows versions. Installing it will replace the existing V3.x.x version (But it is recommended to uninstall it first)

The Linux (OS-X, Raspberry Pi, Synology NAS) variant needs Microsoft 'DotNet' runtime version 5 to be installed. There are numerous instructions how to do that on internet.
It will not run in Mono !!
To allow an easy path to migrate to it, installing it will create it in a separate bin folder ( that allows to run this version ( or the legacy version 3.x.x ( from the same wg++ home folder and the same config file .

It has the same functionality as the 'legacy' 3.x.x version, and updates and bugfixes of version 3 will also be implemented in 4.x.x . New functionality will preferably be implemented only in version 4.x.x .. unless ..
The license part however has an additional option that will list a 'license data overview'...

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Program Release

This beta comprises quite a lot of addition , improvements and bug fixes. Especially also in the mdb postprocessor.
Among others it allows grabbing with multipart form data httprequests . See the changelog.txt file for a complete list of all changes .
It is recommended to update to the latest siteini.pack

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Program Release

This beta uses the same source code as beta 3.2.1 (besides a few small fixes, see changelog.txt for that)
The difference is that some of the components in 3.2.1 are build in a newer version on .NET (.NET Standard 2.0) which is not supported in some Mono distro's.
For this beta the .NET version of these components are 'degraded' to .NET Framework 4.8, which will run on most Mono distro's

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Program Release

'Quick-fix' beta to solve the crash described in the IMPORTANT & URGENT NOTICE on the home page

!! It is recommended to download the latest siteini.pack after upgrading to this beta !!

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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