Everything was working fine!
What happened?
tvtv.us.robots has only two lines...
it's marked read only.
Except now when I run the grabber there is an error of:
"Access to path 'c:\blahblah\tvtv.us.robots' is denied"
If I remove the read only flag the grabber runs, but gives errors that the site doesn't support EPG grabbing.
And the robots file has been edited to include the deny lines again.
I go and remove the lines as stated in the INI file, and set it to read only, and I get the access denied error again.
make sure to the path to tvtv.us.robot and the file is read only
No joy.
I've set read only for the entire appdata path and get the same error.
Here's the robots files...
Are you using revision 6 ?
Revision 6 of what? The INI file?
No. It's rev 5 dated Jan 15 22.
Which according to this page (http://webgrabplus.com/epg-channels-sort-by-date) is the current ver.
Program ver is 3.2
i just tried it and this is what worked for me.
1) run webgrab and allow it to fail and create the tvtv robots file.
2) edit the file and change all the Disallow lines to Allow(see txt below).
3) right click on tvtv robots file ==> properties and at the bottom for attributes select read only.click apply,then ok to close window.
4) run webgrab and it should work.
contents on edited tvt robots file...
User-agent: *
Allow: /tvm/
Allow: /gn/
User-agent: WebGrab+Plus
Allow: /
uploaded rev.6 sorry
Well, that still didn't work.
So, I copied out my config file and uninstalled/deleted everything, reboot, reinstall.
Put back my config file, edited the robots file as described and that seemed to work.
Don't know what happened to the original setup, but it's fixed now.
Well, I've been finding this same problem occurring twice more since.
Access to the robots path is denied.
I've not had a reboot recently (uptime 12 days) or any system changes.
It just quits being able to talk for some reason.
remove/reinstall works to restore the access, but I've no idea how to check what would be causing this to begin with.
All I can think of is that either parts of the path have had the read-only or hidden flags changed...
or permissions to the files/path have changed?
Checking the programs installation logs I see that Edge and Chrome both got updates in the interim.
you should only do it on the robot file not to all the folder. If you use linux make the folder 755 and the robot file read-only, if you run as user make sure it's in the group that can access the folder.
It's windows 10, I set read only on just the file when I reinstall.
At some point, I get the 'access denied' error msg, and the only thing I can figure out to do to fix it is the remove/reinstall.
The user (only one on this system) has admin rights.