I was using tv.com for a long time now without any problems. Out of nowhere Im getting no shows in index page!
It is probably a cookie problem. I was using firefox to export cookies but im having a hard time.
I searched on the forum and saw a cookie. I used that one and grabs channels but still I have a lot of channels with no shows in index page. I used to grab 90% of my channels just fine.
Any ideas?
Yes i have it, but i dont understand the way EditThisCookie exports the cookies.
I get something like this
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And webgrab dont get it in that format
And I know its a cookie format because i have now 2 cookies i found here at the forum and they work.
The only problem basically im having is that i need to switch from cookie multiple times to get most of the channels plus im missing a couple.
In the past i used chrome and i just selected the zip code provider and export it and the magic happends
And what to do when i need to change the provider. For example, I download data from Dish, Direct TV and LIBERTY to gather all my channels.
What I did in the past was I first downloaded a cookie for dish, export, then direct tv and export data one more time and so on...
And what to do when i need to change the provider. For example, I download data from Dish, Direct TV and LIBERTY to gather all my channels.
What I did in the past was I first downloaded a cookie for dish, export, then direct tv and export data one more time and so on...
If im understanding, the cookie remains the same, just the provider name is the thing i got to modify?
if i provide you the cookies for the 3 provider can you convert it to the right format?