I run on Debían 10, webgrab V3.1.4.3,
with the version of mono
mdb config:
'subtitle' {['category']} {('episode')} {('productiondate')} {['country']}
[Documentales|Ciencia y tecnología] (T1 E2) (2016) [R.U] [Documentales|Ciencia y tecnología] (T1 E2) (2016) [R.U]
This happens in some programs ... not in everything, and I do not understand why it is repeated.
You need to post your mdb.config, guide.xml so we can see if we can replicate the problem.Then i think you have un necessary brackets [xxx]
why are you even using mdb?
all the elements you are using are from your source xml(epg guide webgrab creates).
mdb is also slow.
you can use the rex post processor and it will be done in a few seconds.
Yes, I know, but don't paste my entire configuration, I use mdb for the names of directors, role actors, etc ...
I am attaching my settings.
i tried and could not duplicate your results,everything looked fine for me.
from your fist post your using as 3.1.5).
it is broken for episode number matching.
either use 3.1.4 from the downloads page or beta which u can get from the evaluation buid page on git.
ok... I remember rolled back 3.1.4, obtaining the same result, I will try and if not I will do a clean installation, thanks for your time and work.
i forgot to mention that elements that you move to the description like director,presenter,country,ect you can also remove from the resulting xml file.this makes it smaller and should load faster,thats of course unless you want the info added to the description and the original elements also kept.
to remove a element just specify it as empty..
<credits></credits> <-- removes all credits like director,actor,ect
wow,thanks for that! I hadn't thought about it...If the truth interests me, why do I use siptv and it's limited to showing, title, subtitle and description,that's why it concentrated everything.
Ok...with version everything seems correct
In V3.1.5.3 it seems that everything ok.
yes. is the version to use if your using mdb
slowly we r getting the bugs fixed.