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Local MDB database

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Local MDB database

Is possible to write a MDB ini file for local database storage?

The idea is to have a “xml” file with some data to be parse from some programs, or a lot, something like:

Local database storage:



For search we can use title match…

Then in local database some fields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tv generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB &amp; REX Postprocess -- version V1.56.28 -- Jan van Straaten" generator-info-url="">


 <title lang="xx"> </title>






 < category ></ category >




    <rating system="MPAA">


      <icon src="" />







Will be cool…



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Great !!!

I will do some example database from 1 channel query.

Stay tune.. :)

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If I understand you right you mean something like this:

Please correct if I’m wrong… :)


"todo do"

<channel update="f" site="fixed" site_id="14:45-16:00##title:Laços de Sangue####" xmltv_id="Laços de Sangue">Laços de Sangue</channel>
<channel update="f" site="fixed" site_id="19:15-19:57##title:Sassaricando####" xmltv_id="Sassaricando">Sassaricando</channel>
<channel update="f" site="fixed" site_id="21:45-22:30##title:Amor Maior####" xmltv_id="Amor Maior">Amor Maior</channel>


<xmltv_id="Laços de Sangue">
 <title lang="pt">Laços de Sangue</title>
      <director>Pedro Lopes</director>
      <actor>Diana Chaves</actor>
      <actor>Joana Santos</actor>
    <rating system="PT">
      <icon src="" />

<xmltv_id="Amor Maior">
    <title lang="pt">Amor Maior</title>
      <director>Inês Gomes</director>
      <actor>Sara Matos</actor>
      <actor>Catarina Rebelo</actor>
      <actor>Inês Castel-Branco</actor>
    <rating system="PT">
<icon src="" />

    <title lang="pt">Sassaricando</title>
      <director>Teresa Lampreia</director>
      <actor>Tatá Werneck</actor>
      <actor>Mariana Ximenes</actor>
      <actor>Agatha Moreira</actor>
    <rating system="PT">
<icon src="" />


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Yes these programs are form same channel in this case “SIC” from Portuguese TV.

I miss the time setting: “full day” LOL

Must study this well then do some real try….

If I understood the database fields are the fields from xmltv output, correct?

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I again thanks for your great help…

I’m doing this manually, basic the idea is add some programs that last from long time, to add info that normally don’t exist, and are always the same…

I will use your info on the post and then try to “fix” a sample from one channel, if all goes well I can try another and another until all EPG info where there :)

I will report later how things work :)


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Looks like this is not what I’m looking for if I understand correct the input of this...

Is very possible that I made myself not understand…

I do the test and give me this error:


[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] error in channel list of the config file!!
[Error   ]      duplicate xmltv_id value --  -- !!
[Error   ]      in :
[Error   ] <channel update="f" site="" site_id="390" xmltv_id="SIC HD">SIC HD</channel>
[Error   ] <channel update="f" site="" site_id="14:45-16:00##title:Laços de Sangue####19:15-19:57##title:Sassaricando####21:45-22:30##title:Amor Maior####" xmltv_id="SIC HD">SIC HD</channel>
[Error   ] duplicate xmltv-id entries will mess-up the xmltv output!
[Error   ] ---- correct the channel-list to have unique xmltv-id values ---
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

Then I understand that fix is to add a new channel, without scrub it with full information likes his:


  <programme start="20161117144500 +0000" stop="20161117160000 +0000" channel="SIC HD">
    <title lang="pt">Laços de Sangue</title>
    <desc lang="pt">A história gira em torno de duas irmãs, que há 25 anos, viram os seus destinos separados pela correnteza de um rio, tendo o pai salvo apenas a mais velha, Inês e morrido ao tentar salvar a outra, cujo corpo nunca chega a aparecer... até que se passam 25 anos(n)</desc>
    <icon src="" />
    <episode-num system="onscreen">E28</episode-num>


And the output I whant is something like this:


  <programme start="20161117144500 +0000" stop="20161117160000 +0000" channel="SIC HD">
    <title lang="pt">Laços de Sangue</title>
    <desc lang="pt">A história gira em torno de duas irmãs, que há 25 anos, viram os seus destinos separados pela correnteza de um rio, tendo o pai salvo apenas a mais velha, Inês e morrido ao tentar salvar a outra, cujo corpo nunca chega a aparecer... até que se passam 25 anos(n)</desc>
    <icon src="" />
    <episode-num system="onscreen">E28</episode-num>
      <director>Pedro Lopes</director>
      <actor>Diana Chaves</actor>
      <actor>Joana Santos</actor>
    <rating system="PT">
      <icon src="" />

Then if I think this correct, we can do a search using a file on MDB, something like you made with the fix ini?

If so by adding the ini file you made with some changes can we add this information to the output file?

Sorry for all that mess… But I still study this program and I’m not a coder…

One more time let me tell you, 

Thanks’ for your great help…




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I like this new approach, you mention, I didn’t think this is possible, will try it.



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  <programme start="20161117144500 +0000" stop="20161117160000 +0000" channel="SIC HD">
    <title lang="pt">Laços de Sangue</title>
    <desc lang="pt">A história gira em torno de duas irmãs, que há 25 anos, viram os seus destinos separados pela correnteza de um rio, tendo o pai salvo apenas a mais velha, Inês e morrido ao tentar salvar a outra, cujo corpo nunca chega a aparecer... até que se passam 25 anos(n)</desc>
      <director>Pedro Lopes</director>
      <actor>Diana Chaves</actor>
      <actor>Joana Santos</actor>
    <category lang="pt">Telenovela</category>
    <icon src="" />
    <episode-num system="onscreen">E28</episode-num>
    <rating system="Pt">
      <icon src="" />


Just perfect... :) :)

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