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How to limit mdb postprocess to English

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How to limit mdb postprocess to English

Dar all,

when running the postprocess mdb it seems it is looking in all possible laguages, as i get these example lines in the webgrabplus window "xxxxx/all/en, xxxxx/all/de, xxxxx/all/fr" etc...

is there a way to only limit this to english ? i assume it'll make things faster.

I'm only using it for shows/movies that are originally in English language .

Thanks guys.

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It wont get any faster for English if you were able to limit to that. The way it works (in tvdb only!) is that it scans all english language series in thetvdb for a match, the the German, then Dutch, then French. In that order. As soon as it finds a match it stops looking.
You can also try​.ini, that is more  English oriented. But my experience is that it is a bit slower that tvdb.ini


p.s. there is a way to change that order. There is also a way to change the set of 4 languages. Look in the tvdb.ini, and you will find out how!

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