I install the WebGrabPlusV1.1.1MSI and the update to the last Version
on the config i put the channel that i want the epg, i download
like this
<channel id="KRON HDTV (MNT)">
<display-name lang="en">KRON HDTV (MNT)</display-name>
i put the file guide.xml on my server on html
on my stalker_portal y put the ip:88/guide.xml
on prefix i put en_
on the channel,. XMLTV ID i put en_KRON HDTV (MNT)
then on epg i press update but on the channel doesnt show the epg.
if you have or now where is a guide i appreciate.
this is the frist time using this,.
for USA channel that is the only file tv.com that i found
if you have or now other system or way let me know.
no, i dont do cookie files,.. how i creat or find that cookies files ?
i found one here in other post i can use that one ?
i use a guis that is in youtube and never explain that of the cookies.
im using on stalker portal.
i dont change noting i start the program webgrabplus, when was finish i went and get the file guide.xml and was like that.
ok, finally i download the cookies,... then i put it on the program but doest down the epg
the instruction said this
1. In your browser goto http://www.tv.com/listings/
2. At the upper right corner of the whitish window click the button *EDIT . Enter your zip code eg 94102 for San Francisco or 60601 for Chicago, and select your provider
3. Wait for the webpage to complete.
4. Export the cookies to a file named tv.com.cookies.txt in the same folder as the config file. Follow the instructions as in http://webgrabplus.com/documentation/configuration/cookie
5. Open tv.com.ini . Near the bottom is the section that creates channelist files
Enable the lines there by removing the first *
6. Add one dummy channel in your config
<channel update="i" site="tv.com" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
7. run wg++
8. If all is well you have created a channellist file for your location
9. Revert the actions of 5.
1,2,3,4 is to download the cookies, already do it.
5 on the tv.com.ini bottom i tacke out the * chage it like this
** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
scope.range {(channellist)|end}
url_index {url|http://www.tv.com/listings/}
index_site_channel.scrub {regex||<a href="http://webgrabplus.com/listings/station/%5Cd%2B".+?title="(.+?)"||}
index_site_id.scrub {regex||<a href="http://webgrabplus.com/listings/station/%28%5Cd%2B?%29"||}
index_temp_6.scrub {regex||class="name">(.+?)(?:</a>\|</div>)||}
add channel name makes it more clear?
index_temp_1.modify {set|0}
loop {(each "index_temp_2" in 'index_site_channel')|end}
index_temp_3.modify {substring(type=element)|'index_temp_6' 'index_temp_1' 1} * name
index_temp_4.modify {addend|'index_temp_2' ('index_temp_3')####}
index_temp_1.modify {calculate(format=F0)|1+}
index_site_channel.modify {set|'index_temp_4'}
index_site_channel.modify {replace|####|\|}
index_site_channel.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal,100 link="index_site_id")}
on the 6 i on the bottom i erase tha Cahnnel that have and put this, like the guide
<channel update="i" site="tv.com" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
ok, i erase the guide.xml
is runing but indicated this 2 error
1) Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=KTVU HDTV (FOX) in the config file
2) ( 1/941) TV.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=KTVU HDTV (FOX) -- mode Incremental
cannot find C:\ProgramData\Server\WebGram\tv.com.cookies.txt !
loadcookie failed! ... cannot update this channel
found 1 eror the file cookies.txt i have it worng tv.com_cookies.txt and i fix it to tv.com.cookies.txt
start now and only generate this channel
<channel id="dummy">
<display-name lang="en">dummy</display-name>
i have to put all the channel list on the conf ?
ok, is not the same channel list, and the cookies,..
i downloaded from the same site.
iput on conf .. the dummy and that is the only channel that download the dummy
the zipcode is 00725
[ Info ] Candidates found: 0 movie / 0 serie / 0 both
[ Info ]
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] -------------------------------
[ Debug ] MDB Postprocessor result
[ Debug ] -------------------------------
[ Debug ] Mdb data found for 0 out of 0 Movies-candidates
[ Debug ] Mdb data found for 0 out of 0 Series-candidates
[ Debug ] In 00:00:00.0937500 seconds
[ ]
[ ]
[ Info ] Finished Postprocess MDB
[ Info ] Job (mdb) finished at 08/12/2016 18:09:53 done in 3s
[ Debug ] statistics upload error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
on the page tv.com how i can download the channel list ?
in downloaded here where indicated tv.com.channels.xml
this is the only guide that i have,.. and this is the 1 time with this.
How to create a localised channellist file for tv.com and create the necessary cookie file to grab data from local channels
1. In your browser goto http://www.tv.com/listings/
2. At the upper right corner of the whitish window click the button *EDIT . Enter your zip code eg 94102 for San Francisco or 60601 for Chicago, and select your provider
3. Wait for the webpage to complete.
4. Export the cookies to a file named tv.com.cookies.txt in the same folder as the config file. Follow the instructions as in http://webgrabplus.com/documentation/configuration/cookie
5. Open tv.com.ini . Near the bottom is the section that creates channelist files
Enable the lines there by removing the first *
6. Add one dummy channel in your config
<channel update="i" site="tv.com" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
7. run wg++
8. If all is well you have created a channellist file for your location
9. Revert the actions of 5.
so if is other guide i dont know,.. or if is other metod that esear please let me know,..
my zipcode is 00725 US for Dish
ok, now i think is working because is diferent and im getting innnnnn on the channels
other thing i notice that on the site tv.com i login but doesnt and i cant down load the correct cookies.
thatnks for your herl i let you know if its work now.
ok,.. i will checked,.. for the cookies now i know and to download the channel list how or where you doi it ?
ok, that is that i use but how you get the channel lisnt ?
i do it like the instruction, but only the cookies i downloaded,. is not the same that you sent me
the epg was working good, for only 24 hour , i press on the stalker portal on epg Force Update of EPG indicated that is ok, but doesnt show on the channel the EPG.,..
i enter to the channel on Manage EPG buy is only upto 14:30 and doesnt updated.
i have to do or put somthing more ?
i try to do download other provider and zipcode but i cant
i have woorking the epg but i have to scan every day,...
how i can put the epg on my portal, that do it automatic update ?
i can meke a donation to the forum, but please help my the update