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Foxtel Australia Stopped Working

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Foxtel Australia Stopped Working

Webgrab++ V3.3.0.0
Windows 10

I have been using guide successfully for about 15 months. Two weeks ago, it stopped working.
The site channels I use are as in my config file.
The zipped files have had my identification and passwords removed.
I greatly appreciate any help you can give me to get this guide working again.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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I am working on....

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mrthumper wrote:

Webgrab++ V3.3.0.0
Windows 10
I have been using guide successfully for about 15 months. Two weeks ago, it stopped working.
The site channels I use are as in my config file.
The zipped files have had my identification and passwords removed.
I greatly appreciate any help you can give me to get this guide working again.

Talk with authors, works fine for them.i get no index....we use 2 different vpn's. Are you in australia or using vpn also ?

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I am in Australia and I do not use a vpn.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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it's strange, a user (in Canada) and the author (totalav vpn) works. Myself(ghostvpn) and another user(purevpn) doesn't work.
this is what i get
[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) FOXTEL.COM.AU -- chan. (xmltv_id=ACT-Canberra LifeStyle) -- mode Force
[Warning ] error downloading page: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
[Error ] Unable to update channel ACT-Canberra LifeStyle
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] no index page data received from ACT-Canberra LifeStyle
[Error ] unable to update channel, try again later
[ Info ] Existing guide data restored!

the "forbidden" is clearly a firewall or something that is blocking me, but the strange thing is that i can open the page online no problem!!
attached the test of the user in Canada

japangelo's picture
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I can confirm that here in Canada connected to vpn (wevpn) to Vancouver works fine. I haven't tried other locations but will test later. Without vpn I get straight forbidden error

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Just noticed the web page for this guide is now showing the reCaptcha symbol. I am in Australia no VPN using Edge Browser

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Am I the only person trying to use Foxtel?
I have never used a VPN is this my only solution?
Which country should I try to use to get by the reCapture block?
I don't mind spending the money on a VPN but which one and will it work?
I have looked at the section on writing .ini files it is well above my ability which runs out at setting up a guide with a working .INI file.
Would it be easier to request an .ini for another site, there are others in Australia with a Foxtel Guide.
( ( are a couple I have found. The Foxtel site is by far the best guide accurate and has two weeks of data.

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well totalav (antivirus vpn) and wevpn seems not to have problem...

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I'm having the same issue and I'm not using a VPN. I think my problem started around the same time yours did.

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I am now using Schedules Direct lots of Australian Data including Foxtel and Freeview works direct with my PVR Software. I will keep an eye on this thread in case someone comes up with a solution. The Webgrab guide from the Foxtel Site was the best guide I ever had. For years I used oztivo, but that ended up with no data years ago, then yourtv for a few years then last year foxtel. Recently I have only had an unsatisfactory guide from yourtv which I had to mess around with every day.

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