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Discovery Networks ini

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Discovery Networks ini

Would someone be kind enough to take a look at this ini from the siteini pack and see if it can be fixed please ? It is rather old and it seems no one has maintained it.

I would really like to add EPG data to the powervu channels available from European Satellites.


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Last seen: 5 years
Blackbear199 wrote:

why bother.

theres discovery channels all over the place. ----> usa -------> canada -> uk

thats off the top of my head.i know there are more.

are you going to do them all?

u can get them from ini that already exist and have better details than what their sites has.



It was just Discovey Europe I wanted, as stated to give EPG to the powervu Channels on 4.8E and 1.0W

The ini I posted was the only one that covered these, or at least thats my thinking. Please correct me if I'm wrong and other working ini's exist ?


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Blackbear199 wrote:

there is no discovery europe that i know of.

there is discovery channel from diff areas/providers that the programming may be the same for or may differ.the ini above us for uk from what i see and any uk ini will have it.



Ok thanks.

I will try to add individual ini's then for each countries powervu channel.


EDIT: Just realised though that if I do that then the EPG wont be in English, hence the need for the first ini

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The channels can be obtained via the webstie (and I suppose also via other discovery channels)



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Thanks for this.


I was going to contact you on the Pli forum if I couldnt find a solution myself. I now have Discovery Channel and Discovery Science from 1W showing English titles for the comming programs, however the EPG info for the titles is still in what I think is Swedish. Its impossible to tell from the xml which tally with the actual programs shown and none of the ones using ENG do, they seem to be for the UK or are just showing the wrong program data.

Have you managed to get the EPG for all the 1W channels to populate in English using this site ? If so could you share the exact lines youve used from the channels.xml please.

Ive not even started on 4.8E yet lol


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I do not have the english EPG for the discovery channels which are meant for Sweden (or other Nordic) countries.  Same for the others.  Channels for France have French EPG.  It is what it is.


But for these discovery channels you can try this:

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="discovery-science" xmltv_id="">Discovery Science</channel>

Finnish site, which gives some EPG in English.




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That seems to have given most available in English. Just got my python to sort now, not easy when these channels run marathons of the same programmes for hours on end lol, but I will get the corrections written over time when the programmes differ each hour, rather than showing Cake Boss for example for the next 6 hours.

Thank You.


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