Hi guys,
I have Xream-codes on a linux server with an epg service so I never needed to create my own EPG or grabber. Currently, I have open source Youtube streams and I wanted them to have some sort of EPG because it looks better.
I made a main.xml file and installed in the xc server as a guide service and it works perfect but I have to update the dates manually daily. Since there is no site or ini, how could I utilize webgrab to update it daily or is there a simpler way like a command line that will update those dates within the xml file since the program information will remain static.
So basically, I want these youtube stream channels to display a simple message every hour, day after day.
The simple XML file is attached.
look in your siteini.pack/misc folder at the fixed.ini
there is also a fixed_info.txt file that tells you how to use it.
An extention to this question: If every day we have new program how can we make xmltv for our channel without manually editing all dates ? Is there easy way to convert txt with list of shows and starttime to xmltv via webgrab or another software?
if the data changes and u can access via a http address then a ini can be created.
it would be the same as creating a ini just like any other site or...
say you downloaded the data daily into a txt file or whatever,webgrab can also read that(it don't have to be a web address).
Data is changing, we are making the file , it is our own channel. I am providing example, can you advise how should i proceed?
easy to create a ini for.
its better data than I was expecting(has start and stop time).
which is good.how do u want to load it(url) or via a file?
give me a example and a copy of the source data(or is it same as pastebin?).
This is exactly the data. Local file is desired but not required :) Data is absolutely custom , made from US. Please if you can add a description too, now it is all in the title, because of our old way of epg making.
``[29/04/2020 11:00:00 00:40:00] Balkan folk - description text``
I am not sure how to divide title and description , i can use ';' for title;description when we make the txt. eg:
``[29/04/2020 11:00:00 00:40:00] Balkan folk; decription text ``
Hello, sorry for disturbing you, I hope that you did not forgot about me :)
try this,ensure every line has in your epg file has a carriage return at the end(including the last line).
edit the ini and change the subpage.format line and edit the path to that of the location of ur file,i named it custom.txt but you can use whatever you want.
also also set the timezone to Europe/Moscow,i dont know if this is correct as all i know is its Russian epg so you may have to also change this to that of the timezone the data is in.
to add a description simple add ##[description] after the title.
[29/04/2020 00:00:00 07:00:00] Край на програмата##description
to read the file in your webgrab congig xml add a channel line with the following..
site="custom" site_id="" use whatever you want for the mltv_id="xxx" and display name
I am struggling whole day, but i still can't make it.
I am not sure, but i think there is some problem with this row:
```index_showsplit.scrub {multi(separator="\n")||||}
I have this in error log
```[ Debug ] Element value:
[ Debug ] [07/05/2020 00:00:00 07:00:00] Show 01 ## Description 01|[07/05/2020 07:00:00 00:40:00] Show 02 ## Description 02|
[ Debug ] Multi value element!
[ Debug ] Elements listed on separate lines for easy inspection:
its not a error,just debug info
disable the index_showsplit.modify {(debug)} line.(add * to beginning)
other than that ur data format looks fine to me,did u check ur guide.xml?
it should have data from what i see.
i see whats wrong,look at the date 07/5/2020.
that's 3 days from now so unless u set timespan > 3 u wont see any data.
Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 4 day(s)
( 1/1 ) CUSTOM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Custom 1) -- mode Force
0.03 sec/update
Ok, i am officially an idiot :) I totally forgot, that i use blank unconfigured webgrab config, and i also was mislead by the 7.1 maxdays in the ini...
Thank you i will keep digging :)
Edit: Ok, i managed to do what i needed, there was some problems with duration(you used index_stop, but in given example it was duration as secondary time).
change the index_stop.scrub line to
index_duration.scrub {regex||^\[\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s(\d+:\d+)||}
and i would change your data format to just hh:mm for the duration or webgrab will have issues.
[07/05/2020 00:00:00 07:00:00] Show 01 ## Description 01
[07/05/2020 07:00:00 00:40:00] Show 02 ## Description 02
[07/05/2020 00:00:00 07:00] Show 01 ## Description 01
[07/05/2020 07:00:00 00:40] Show 02 ## Description 02
that's if i understand correctly..
07:00:00 is 7 hours
00:40:00 is 40 minutes
if u leave it as it is webgrab will think the duration is..
07:00:00 is 7 days
00:40:00 is 40 hours
Thank you, i did that in the moment of my comment.Everything is OK ! You are great
Hello friend, thanks for the contribution, but how can you use custom.ini for more channels? I look forward to a prompt response
what do you mean custom ini ?
Dear, how can this custom.ini work with more channels?
look in the misc folder of the siteini.pack
use the fixed.ini
read the fixed_info.txt file for instructions.
u can add as many channels as you wish to your webgrab++config.xml
I've looked at it but it doesn't tell you how to get the multi-channel data from a local .txt file
you didnt mention you wanted to use a local file.
supply a file with some data.
if you already have it working based on the above posts then all you have todo is this.
instead on naming the file custom.ini,copy the ini and name it whatever you want for each channel you want created,example
inside each set the path to the file you want read
dont forget to set the timezone.
to read each one,in your webgrab++comfig.xml
<channel update="f" site="MyChannel1.ini" site_id="none" xmltv_id="MyChannel1_Name">MyChannel1_Name</channel>
<channel update="f" site="MyChannel2.ini" site_id="none" xmltv_id="MyChannel2_Name">MyChannel2_Name</channel>
<channel update="f" site="MyChannel3.ini" site_id="none" xmltv_id="MyChannel3_Name">MyChannel3_Name</channel>
Edit: made a typo in the channel lines above,fixed.
these are the files
use this,you have to split each channel into its own file.
<channel update="f" site="CHANNELS1-list.ini" site_id="none" xmltv_id="Channel1_Name">Channel1_Name</channel>
<channel update="f" site="CHANNELS2-list.ini" site_id="none" xmltv_id="Channel2_Name">Channel2_Name</channel>
would there be another way without using many site.ini?
sure use the fixed.ini
there's info.txt file,read it
basically doing the same thing except all the info is added to your webgrab config file.