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Config maker

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Config maker

Hello everyone, do I have to run the file I created in the config maker software in order to know which source has a broadcast schedule and which source doesn't or that in real time during the creation there is an action that can tell which source is streaming the information and which source is inactive and dishonest informatio because the run command could taking time and after create file i nedd again manually configure the file because ther is sources that not working or giving eror so that is the reason i ask if there is a way before proccesing run command to know which source are work and which source not work

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 2 hours

other than checking the site itself and viewing the actual epg.
webgrab has no way knowing if a channel has epg before you try grabbing.
many site have channel in the list with no actual epg,its just the way it is.
there's nothing that can be done about it.

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