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Add time offset from config?

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Add time offset from config?

Hello. Is it possible to add a time offset inside the config file?
I have a script that gets ini updates from the github repo before grabbing. If I modify the ini files to correct them for my timezone, then I cant pull updates from git, so adjusting the time in the config would be ideal.

I'm not sure why the times are wrong, because I was told the ini files are correct and webgrab should adjust it. Not all sites show an incorrect time, but a few do.


WG++ Team memberDonator
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Sounds weird, but if you don't mention which siteini....we cannot help you.
You can change time in postprocess
or in config

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 1 year

Thanks for sharing that plugin.
I have problems with several ini files.
Lets focus on one though, ""
It is a Hungarian site so the time offset should be UTC+02:00, but it is set to UTC+01:00 and I need to set it to UTC+00:00 for it to show correctly in my timezone (UTC + 1 / BST)

So there is an error somewhere. Maybe with my PC, maybe with webgrab or maybe with the ini.
Typing date on my machine yields "Fri Aug 13 23:15:09 BST 2021", so the time is correct.


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