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Upgrading to V2.0

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jksmurf's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 years
Upgrading to V2.0

Hello and thanks to you both for all your hard work with the new version.

Before I udpate I have some questions

1. Will it update existing installations in the existing dirs? e.g. I use WebGrab not WebGrab+Plus e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab - will the exe files go here automatically?

2. The instalaltion document/instructions talks about dirs SiteIni.Pack and a SiteIni.User. If I currently have my custom inis in the WebGrab dir e.g. C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab do I have to MOVE these and the xmls to the new directory SiteIni.User?

I have uploaded my current dir structure for reference.




Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 4 years

it will not update existing directorys

this is what i done

after you have installed v2.0 from the old webgrab folder

copy any custom ini you use to the new siteini.user folder

put the cookies.txt files if used in the new - AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus folder

edit the new webgrab config xml with your required details

then copy and paste in all the channels you want to grab from the old config xml.

I also found an error when trying to run involving an ini i use osn. webgrab picks up 2 versions of this from the site ini folders and stops.
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the one I use, I moved this to the siteini.user folder and webgrab then runs ok

jksmurf's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 years

Thanks maxriot, you saved me a truckload of work. I have it all going now, thanks. I moved the files ini and xml to their various new directories and I'm up and running. All mine are user type so I didn't have your generic ini problem. I see what the authors are trying to do though.

The authors might like to consider a wee bit more info like this for those who are not so tech savvy :-).


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