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This ini miss some channels are available on the website like:

Premium Calcio 1
Premium Calcio 2
Premium Calcio 3
Premium Calcio 4
Premium Calcio 5
Premium Calcio 6
Premium Calcio 7

Premium Sport 2

and more.

Thank you if someone can update.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Actually Willy made it time ago (attached) but now is no longer working:

[  Info  ] ( 1/1 ) PREMIUMCALCIO.IT -- chan. (xmltv_id=Premium Calcio 4) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ] Debugging information SiteIni
[  Debug ] Element:  INDEX_SHOWSPLIT
[  Debug ] html source written to : html.source.htm
[  Debug ] scrub strings:
[  Debug ]      type & arguments : multi (debug includeblock=Premium Calcio 4" src=""num">
[  Debug ]      elementstart (es): 
[  Debug ]      elementend   (ee): <td><strong>
[  Debug ]      blockend     (be): <div id="footer">
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Separated html block(s), number of blocks = 2
[  Debug ] ----------begin--block----------
[  Debug ] 36. </span>Paris SG - Ludogorets<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>06/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league"><td><strong><div id="footer">
[  Debug ] ----------end----block----------
[  Debug ] ----------begin--block----------
[  Debug ] 44. </span>Tottenham - CSKA Mosca<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>07/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league"><td><strong><div id="footer">
[  Debug ] ----------end----block----------
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Separated Element(s) (es) applied
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 36. </span>Paris SG - Ludogorets<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>06/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league"><td><strong><div id="footer">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 44. </span>Tottenham - CSKA Mosca<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>07/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league"><td><strong><div id="footer">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Separated Element(s) (es) and (ee) applied of block 0
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 36. </span>Paris SG - Ludogorets<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>06/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Separated Element(s) (es) and (ee) applied of block 1
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 44. </span>Tottenham - CSKA Mosca<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>07/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Elements , type multi applied
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 36. </span>Paris SG - Ludogorets<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>06/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[  Debug ] ----------begin--element----------
[  Debug ] 44. </span>Tottenham - CSKA Mosca<span class="o-ico o-ico--arrow-right2"></span></strong></td><td>07/12 ore 20.45</td><td><img alt="Premium Calcio 4" src=""></td><td></td><td><img class="l-hidden--from-sm" width="66" alt="Premium Play" src=""><img width="20" alt="" src=""></td></tr><tr class="c-accordion__trigger" data-filter="champions-league">
[  Debug ] ----------end----element----------
[Error   ] No suitable time structure found to merge the indexpage pages!!
[Error   ] Unable to update Channel, try again later
[  Debug ] Unsorted startimes in index page sections:
[  Debug ] Indexpage section 0
[  Debug ] Indexpage section 1
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] 
[  Debug ] 

and that's because it downloads an http page

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 3 hours

Good !  this one at least is grabbing data. The only concern I have is this two error:

[Error   ] Unable to update channel Premium Sport
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] Current culture: en-GB
[Error   ] time parsing error : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
[Error   ] nextstartdatetime time scrubbed : 
[Error   ] computer date/time format: 26/11/2016 21:26:05
[  Info  ] Existing guide data restored!
[  Debug ] 


It seems this one also suffer (like Mediaset.ini) the time problem:

index_temp_2.modify {calculate('index_start' < "06:00" format=date,yyyyMMdd)|'showdate' 01:00 -}        * shows before 6am, are called by the previous day

Will test that!!   I also changed culture to it-IT and still getting :    [Error   ] Current culture: en-GB

quite strange !!




Has donated long time ago
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My best solution about mediasetpremiim, is make one script for download automatically one rytec source and grab the data from the XML file. You can use the script of Blackbear199 to join many XML files, it works perfectly, mediasetpremium is always a trouble.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 3 hours



what i need to know is does this in diff. before the ore mean something?

or is the show actually out of order?

i can fix the order using a sort but i'm thinking that maybe this in diff. might mean delayed 1 hour or something else?

if i put in online translator its not giving me and thing useful,probably because its abbreviated.

Diff means differita (deferred)  and ore = hour (the actual time)

Primera Division         Racing Club - Independiente       28/11 in diff. ore 01.00     Premium Sport

Primera division will be transmitted on 28/11 at 01.00 but the show is deferred , took place earlier.

Ligue 1                        Dijon - Monaco                           29/11 ore 21.00                Premium Sport

Ligue 1 will be transmitted on 29/11 at 21.00 , the show take place at that time.


merging is not the solution, moreover Willy (Doglover) made the ini, which means it's working for him on rytec, hopefully he can provide suggestion/revision, by the way I think BlackBear is very close to finalize it.


WG++ Team memberDonator
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It's ok now although it's not grabbing 3-4-5-6-7

WG++ Team memberDonator
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what I mean 3-4-5-6-7 are not grabbing from website, if you have a look at  you can see 3-4-5-6-7 do have shows although the date is 6/12 even if I increase timespan to 14 those are not grabbed.


Calcio 4 should have two events :  Paris SG - Ludogorets on 06/12 ore 20.45  and Tottenham - CSKA Mosca on 07/12 ore 20.45

Appreciate your assistance !!


WG++ Team memberDonator
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Understood !! Thanks for the explanation of course now it's grabbing fine. I will remember to set it to 7.1 on 24 december :) but it should not be a problem since most of the football match stop for Christmas/New Year and most probably there will be no show.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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good! I had in mind to suggest to grab the year form the copyright at bottom page but it' s up to mediaset to change that, while your solution is probably much better. Thanks again !!

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I have a similar issue, looking for EPG data for Sky Calcio 1-7 but cannot find any source that works. Anyone has this setup and its working?

Any useful info is appreciated :)

WG++ Team memberDonator
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look in sky calcio is now called sky sport and channel number

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Hey, thanks for the info. Unfortunatly when i use I only get "no shows in indexpage."

( 1/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 251) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 2/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 252) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 3/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 253) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 4/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 255) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 5/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 256) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 6/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 257) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 7/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 258) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

( 8/8 ) GUIDATV.SKY.IT.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=Sky Sport 259) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

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they recently changed site id so run a new channel list, running 7 days there are shows....not many soccer games because of covid.

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Thanks for that :), I usually run the script prior to start grabbing the EPGs but i noticed that the channel list you attached still differs from the mine.

Can you kindly explain how works and what is required to generate a new channel list myself (or perhaps link me to some thread)?

Also how do i go by defining a 7 day EPG grab?

Much appreciated

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Updating channel list is up to users. How to update you can see documentation online:
basically channel list you set update=c for 7 days you set timespan=6 as it starts from zero so 0=1 day.

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