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New Argentinian site reportv.ini

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New Argentinian site reportv.ini

practice the scary POST method

actually this company provides epg to many Latin American sites and smartphone app services

here the source:

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@WGMaker the original files for "" posted here by 1NSdbZVbpZDX are the ones working fine. The modified files available at epg-channels do not work properly.

For more info chek this other post.

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Ah, was breaking my head, why the siteini that was posted on the EPG channels page, was:

- carrying my name
- didn't' work
- and seems to be a copy (adjusted beyond repair) of 1NSdbZVbpZDX 

I wanted to know why this could happen, so it wont happen in the future.

One thing we already know, is that the file was put into a large SiteIni.Pack (SIP) that was holding a lot of new/adjusted files. Coming from both the forum, mails and own creations.

Currently the only reason I can think of, is that 1NSdbZVbpZDX posted a first version (with me as creator, thanks, but I don't deserve that much credits ;-) ) and updated af few days later (2016-04-27 16:42 ) with a better version with no revision update, but with his name as creator (and an updated creation date). And because there are some quick guys in our team, the first upload was detected and added direct to the offline SIP. But because we don't get any notification if a post has been adjusted, is the updated version of 2016-04-27) never detected.

So the bottom line of this, is that we always have to change the version number of a siteini once it has been pushed onto the EPG channels page OR forum. If you really don't want to update the version number, just add a reply to the post, with some info why it was changed.

Removed the first version and changed it with the only correct version:

* @Revision 0 - [24/04/2016] 1NSdbZVbpZDX

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Francis, check the date of the first post here from 1NSdbZVbpZDX, is 2016-04-24 10:46. The same date as his original file. Based on how pissed off he was, I think you are wrong and somebody else modified his file. Nevertheless, thanks for doing the rollback! :)

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