I know its possible to get the URL to an imdb series showicon by using <icon>'mdb-showicon'</icon>. However that picture is often missing for new series episodes and wont get added until long thererafter. Besides imdb uses strange variating aspect ratios on these pictures when they are finally added. Im more interested in getting the URL to the series poster instead which can be used nicely in many GUIs. Perhaps by using <icon>'mdb-seriesicon'</icon>. So this is a request for that.
Yeah, kind of, but it would be nice to have the opportunity to scrub both, in other words keep mdb_showicon.scrub as is and add a new scrubline for series icon Dont know if both can share the same <Icon> tag though. If both are scrubbed it would be nice to be abled to separate them somehow by attribute.
Im not sure if picture size for the urlchannellogo is the same as for the target sample I had in mind:
<img alt="Gold Rush: Alaska Poster" title="Gold Rush: Alaska Poster" src="http://www.webgrabplus.com/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMzM0NTAxNTkxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDUwNzcwMzE">http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMzM0NTAxNTkxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMD...@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg" itemprop="image">
Hmm...cut&paste feature on this site does not work alright cuz the pasted result does not look like what i actually pasted in WG++ site is mysteriously adding things.
Finally solved this one. It was very easy since Jan already done it for movie icons. Just took some studying and users are now abled to choose to scrub series episode icons/image (default) or, as I prefer it, scrub the series icon/poster instead.
Best regards
My imdb.com.bing_series.ini version:
* @header_start
* WebGrab+Plus ini for grabbing IMDB data from TvGuide websites
* @MinSWversion: V1.1.1/56.14
* - (postprocess V1.12)
* @Site: imdb.com
* @Revision 0 - [13/02/2016] Jan van Straaten
* - Bing as primary search, based on imdb.com.imdb.ini rev 6
* @Remarks: Series data extraction. English version.
* Bing improves matching especially for foreign language titles.
* @header_end
site {url=imdb.com|cultureinfo=en-GB|charset=UTF-8|matchfactor=70|searchsite=imdb}
* primary search (using imdb's advanced search):
url_primarysearch {url()|https://www.bing.com/search?q=IMDb+|'title'|}
url_primarysearch.modify {replace| |+}
url_primarysearch.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
*mdb_show_id.scrub {multi|primary|<span class="wlb_wrapper"|<a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/title/tt%7C/">|</a>}
mdb_show_id.scrub {regex|primary||<a href="http://(?:www\.)?imdb.com/title/tt(\d+?)/"||}
<a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2701582/">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2701582/"
* imdb url's:
url_mdb_p1.modify {addstart()|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_show_id'/epdate} * all the episodes date sorted with episode title and mdb_episode_id
url_mdb_p2.modify {addstart()|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_episode_id'} * the episode detail page
* or http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0553267/?ref_=tt_ep_pr = same
url_mdb_p3.modify {addstart|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_episode_id'/synopsis?ref_=tt_stry_pl} * the full synopsis
* is same as * http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2288518/synopsis full synopsis
url_mdb_p4.modify {addstart|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_episode_id'/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ql_1} *full cast and crew (director, writer, actor)
* http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2288518/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ql_1
url_mdb_p5.modify {addstart|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_episode_id'/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ql_5} *plot summary (not used)
url_mdb_p6.modify {addstart|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'mdb_episode_id'/reviews?ref_=tt_ql_7} *user reviews
url_mdb_p7 {url|primary|http://www.imdb.com/title/tt|mdb_show_id|/} * enable to scrub show icon instead of episode icon - default is disabled
url_mdb.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
* imdb elements
mdb_subtitle.scrub {multi()|p1|<a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/title/tt%7C/">|</a>|</td>}
mdb_title.scrub {single(separator="(" include=first exclude="</span>")|p1|<span class="title-extra">||<i>|</span>} * the original title
mdb_title.scrub {single(separator="(" include=first)|p1|<title>||</title>|</title>}
mdb_title.modify {cleanup(tags="/=\"")} * removes starting "
mdb_title.modify {cleanup(tags="\"=/")}
** aka's not yet implemented if at all possible
*mdb_title.scrub {multi(separator=" - ")|p3|<h5><a name="akas">Also Known As (AKA)</a></h5>|<tr>\n<td>|</td>|</table>} *aka's
*mdb_title.scrub {multi|p3|<h5><a name="akas">Also Known As (AKA)</a></h5>|<tr>\n<td>|</td>|</table>} *aka's
** get the mdb_episode_id
** this is the procedure to follow: from an index page with all episodes and episode titles on it, split it in individual episodes
mdb_temp_1.scrub {multi|p1|<h3>Episodes Rated by Date</h3>|<td><a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/title/tt%7C%3C/tr%3E%7C%3Cbr%20style%3D"clear:both;" />} * all the episodes
mdb_temp_1.modify {select|">'mdb_subtitle'<" ~} * select the one and only with the episode title
mdb_episode_id.modify {substring(type=regex)|'mdb_temp_1' "(\d\{7\})/\">"} * get the tt nbr for the episode
* the following elements are taken from the episode detail page mdb-p2
* there is a story line, director and actors , starrating, episodenum
* also a 'full synopsys' on a separate page mdb-p3
** productiodate as year
*mdb_productiondate.scrub {single|p2|<title>||</title>|</title>}
*mdb_productiondate.modify {calculate(format=productiondate)}
** full productiondate
mdb_productiondate.scrub {regex()|p2||Release Date:</h4>.+?(\d{4})||}
mdb_productiondate.modify {calculate(format=productiondate)} * only year allowed!
** new:
mdb_category.scrub {regex()|p2||<span class=\"itemprop\" itemprop=\"genre\">(.+?)</span></a>||}
mdb_temp_2.scrub {regex()|p2||<div class="bp_heading">(Season\s*?\d{1,})||} * the season
mdb_temp_3.scrub {regex()|p2||</span>\s*?(Episode\s*?\d{1,})</div>||} * the episode
mdb_actor.scrub {multi|p4|?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t|itemprop="name">|</span>|</a>}
mdb_director.scrub {multi|p4|?ref_=ttfc_fc_dr|" >|</a>|</td>}
*mdb_starrating.scrub {single|p2|Ratings:|itemprop="ratingValue">|</span>|</strong>}
*mdb_starratingvotes.scrub {single|p2|Ratings:|itemprop="ratingCount">|</span>|users</a>}
*mdb_showicon.scrub {single|p2|Poster"|src="|"|"image" />} * the episode icon
mdb_showicon.scrub {single|p7|Poster"|src="|"|"image" />} * the show icon
mdb_commentsummary.scrub {multi(exclude="SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED""This review may contain spoilers""Add another review" include=first)|p6|<a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/reviews-index">|<h2>|</h2>|Add another review}
mdb_review.scrub {multi(exclude="SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED""This review may contain spoilers""Add another review" include=first)|p6|<a href="http://www.webgrabplus.com/reviews-index">|<p>|</p>\n\n|Add another review}
mdb_plot.scrub {single(separator="<em" include=first)|p2|<h2>Storyline</h2>|<p>|</p>|</div>}
mdb_description.scrub {single|p3|<div id="swiki.2.1">||</div>|</div>}
mdb_description.modify {replace|<br/><br/>| }
* standard episode
site {episodesystem=onscreen}
mdb_episode.modify {addstart('mdb_temp_2' not "")|'mdb_temp_2'} * the season
mdb_episode.modify {addend('mdb_temp_3' not "")| 'mdb_temp_3'} * the episode
mdb_episode.modify {replace|Season |s}
mdb_episode.modify {replace|Episode |e}
* convert episode to xmltv_ns:
*disable the lines for the standard episode)
*site {episodesystem=xmltv_ns}
*mdb_episode.modify {substring(type=regex)|'mdb_temp_2' "Season\s*?(\d{1,})"}
*mdb_episode.modify {calculate(> "0" format=F0)|1 -}
*mdb_temp_3.modify {substring(type=regex)|"Episode\s*?(\d{1,})"}
*mdb_temp_3.modify {calculate(> "0" format=F0)|1 -}
*mdb_episode.modify {addend()|.'mdb_temp_3'.}