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I am trying to grab data from
But i ran into problems.  Not all shows have a start time.  However all shows have a duration.
Also the first show in the list (also several others) has a start time.  Shows which do have a start time also have a stop time time.  But shows with no starttime also do not have a stoptime.
Now I tried to set the start time for shows which do not have a starttime by:
index_start.modify {addend (debug null)|'previous_stop'}
But it was not succesfull. 
What am I doing wrong?
Do I miss something?
The siteini which I am working on is attached.

francis's picture
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Ok, not an easy site.
Have some of it fixed.
What I did, was first get the start time of the first show.
Then just added the duration for each show to it.
Seems to work. But one thing has to be resolved yet. There are some shows with title "*" those have no duration, but they have infuence on the next shows start. Don't know yet what the real implication is. So If you could figure that out. Because now, all shows after such a *-show, don't have the correct timings.
You need the latest beta (1.54.3/0.07) because I use the new "for each". This must yet be placed on the download page.
So @Jan, could you do that?

WGMaker's picture
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Hi Guys,
intersting site! . It never seems to stop inventing yet another online tvguide structure!
Before we start adding durations to start time we need to cleanup the showsplit from 'duplicates' Here the simple cleanup(removeduplicates) won't work because the listing is not fully equal. I was working on a simple loop (also the new "for each" type) but haven't finished it as yet. (on the move right now). Maybe later today.
Yes Francis I will upload the beta with the "for each" loop (and a lot other fixes and additions) later today

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OK.  I will keep an eye open for this version.
If there was a good spanish website for EPG (with more than 3 days of schedule) I would leave this website alone.
Will finish this SiteIni, if and when possible.

francis's picture
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WGMaker wrote:

Before we start adding durations to start time we need to cleanup the showsplit from 'duplicates'

Cleanup is already done (first removing all "non duplicate" stuff on each line, before we do remove duplicates. Just the special show "*" is the last obstacle to tackle.

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Hi Guys,

 sorry Francis , I didn't look properly! Nevertheless things are more complicated. It appears that we cannot used the start time <strong class="hour_start"> because its not always there, and some channel don't list it at all! The same holds for the duration <em class="hour"> .
Instead I figured out that the index_shows always start 38 minutes before the starttime of the first subpage, in our case 01:00 - 00:38 = 00:22  . The only reliable duration is the time value at the beginning of each index show, like time_50 gen_dc"> The trouble with that however is that for the last indexshow of each subpage this value is the duration offset wrt the subpage stoptime. To get that correct we have to remove these 'last shows' and use the next one in the next subpage from the same show.

To get it like that I used a different removeduplicates (using link=) The system Francis constructed to add the calculated start and stop times to the index shows in a 'foreach' loop works fine, I only used the other duration as described above.

The ini below is not yet completely correct, I noticed some starttime problems with LA2.

But we are making progress.



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This start time is indeed a problem.
However I noticed something.


<div class="time time_28  gen_cn">
<a href=""attribute-value" href="">/programacion/oxford-blues/R32398603/#ctn=containerDetalle&params=elemento%3D32398603%26modulo%3DGUIParrilla">
<span class="content content_overflow">
<strong class="category">Cine</strong> 
<strong class="title">Oxford Blues</strong> <em class="hour">95 minutos</em>


This is the entry for the first show in each section.
The first show is still running for 28 minutes after the start of the schedule.  
Which was in this case 09:45. 

I guess it is the first time mentioned here:

                        <a href="" >10:15</a>

Normally it is the time you request the schedule f.i. 09:00
So you can calculate the end time of the show.  And thus the starttime of the next show.
This show can further be discarded as it will be included anyway in the previous subpage.

Hopefully this helps.
However, this is above my abilities

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I finally got it right!! It took me several days , each time I thought to have it solved, there was another exception to deal with!! It never took me so much time to make a siteini.

Yes Willy, your analysis is correct in principle. At the start of each subpage the time_  value is the timeoffset from a constant 'subpage start' of 38  minutes before (not 28 minutes after) the subpage start time. On top of that , if the first  show in a subpage is the same as the last one of the previous subpage the content of the show is not repeated. To solve all of that the showsplit data had to be manipulated , merging data of some shows and removing others. This was done with two rather complex loops, one of them needed the new 'for each' loop introduced in beta 54.4 and 54.5

The ini is @




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No that's not normal of course. Send me your log, config and

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any news?

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Can someone update this channel please...?

The channels and web-site has changed

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Do you get above message? 


       WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/55.25

                           Jan van Straaten
                         Francis De Paemeleere

        many thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

processing C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\cplus.xml ...........
update requested for - 6 - out of - 6 - channels for 3 day(s)
update mode - set per individual channel

      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

channel (xmltv_id=CP) site -- PLUS.ES -- mode incremental
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiino index page data received from CP
unable to update channel, try again later
existing guide data restored!
channel (xmltv_id=CP2) site -- PLUS.ES -- mode incremental
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiino index page data received from CP2
unable to update channel, try again later
existing guide data restored!
channel (xmltv_id=CPACCI) site -- PLUS.ES -- mode incremental

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Website is changed.

I have not been able to access the new one.



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I've got it up and running, please would you take a look?


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I am missing the channels file creation.


It is very slow.  (but that is probably nothing you can do about)

Secondly:  Some errors are grabbed:


  <programme start="20150713033000 +0200" stop="20150713060000 +0200" channel="Antena 3">
    <title lang="es">Minutos musicales (?)</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">03:30</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Espacio donde se ofrecen videos musicales</desc>
    <category lang="es">M�sica</category>
    <rating system="MPAA">
  <programme start="20150713060000 +0200" stop="20150713061500 +0200" channel="Antena 3">
    <title lang="es">15'&lt;span&gt;*&lt;/span&gt; (?)</title>
    <desc lang="es">Espacio donde se ofrecen videos musicales</desc>
    <category lang="es">contenido</category>
    <rating system="MPAA">
  <programme start="20150713061500 +0200" stop="20150713084500 +0200" channel="Antena 3">
    <title lang="es">Las noticias de la ma�ana (?)</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">06:15</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Primer noticiario de la jornada, en el que se ofrece un avance de las principales noticias y reportajes que compondrán el temario del día de los informativos de Antena 3. Los periodistas Maria José Saez y Esther Vaquero conducen este informativo matinal</desc>
    <category lang="es">Informaci�n</category>
    <rating system="MPAA">

You probably have to take a look at the codepage for website.  I may not be UTF-8

Some strange titles and subtitles.



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it seems to work fine. I cannot get CP and CP2 channels but i think it is another trouble. Special chars look fine also.


Thanks a lot

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to get c+  <channel update="i" site="" site_id="MV3" xmltv_id="CANAL+">CANAL+</channel>


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Working right now. thanks to all.

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i'm gona try to take a look and to solve all this problems, but i'm not sure i could do it because i'm not a programmer. I'll report as soon as possible.


Regards :)

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Ok, i feel it's more or less solved. The charset is something extrange because there are different charset for index and for details page, this was the problem. Also is solved the problem with the errors grabbed, like time in subtitle etc. but i can't saw the duplicated epg problems... so this is not solved.

There are, as well, some programs which i can't found why the title is wrong and appears "TEMPORADA XX", but for me is enough and i can't do it better.

Also, i have fixed the sincroguia ini file, i will upload it to the adecuated post, so with this two ini files for me is really enough.

In this file, the rating system is MPAA and episode system is xmltv_ns, that's because i like it this way, you can change it easylly.


Regards :)

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Please, let me know what channel is this an the date when the event repeat.


Regards :)

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I've just tested C+ Series for 3 days with no error, please, could you attach the xml generated with the error? Here is mine.

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I can't imagine where is the problem, but all the shows in your file are wrong. The start time is wrong from the first show and i don't know why.

I'd try to delete all the xmltv file and start again and if this doesn't solve the problem, lets hope someone here could help you.

Anyone more test the file?


Regards :) 

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Avenger. wrote:

Ok, i know what is the problem, it's the maxdays value, if you put 3,4,5 days, the .ini works fine, but if it's greater than 5, the .ini fail.

I have maxday=28 with no problem

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Avenger. wrote:

By the way, the subtitles (Subtítulos: Español, inglés...) not grab, and it would be possible add the languages and the next pases?

PD: Thanks for your work, mate :)

I can try to grab subtitles but languages and next pases i'm afraid is imposible at this moment. 


regards :)

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I'm still having problems with this web. Basically with the index, and that create some problems with the title, basically in some sport events ?¿??¿?. If someone could help me perfect, meanwhile, i'm using the old web for the channels still working. Attached is the ini for this web, and the channel listing.

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Used this.

And this is how far I came.  Need to do a bit more, but my time is finished for today.  So I'll share this now.



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Found some more time.



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Hi Willy,


i'm sorry but something is wrong with your ini file. It works fine with today but the next days the guide is completelly wrong. Did you tested it?


Regards :)

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I tested it, but not enough to looks of it.

Will take another look.




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Hi again, i feel the problem comes with the name of the channel, if you use NOMBRE: C+ there are problems but if you use CODIGO: MV3 it works fine. I mean in the WebGrab++.config.xml file:

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="MV3" xmltv_id="C+">C+</channel>

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="CPSER" xmltv_id="C+ Series">C+ Series</channel>

Thanks for your work and regards :)



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Try this one.  Thanks for the tip.

Indeed the showsplit went wrong.



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New file



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thank you

I've been testing and it works great.

a query. possible settings through REX? I would like to choose the order of the information of the movie.
I explain. for example in movies you can choose an order.
1 Name of the movie
2 Date
3 Directors
4 players
5 argument or description.


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You can maybe try to remove this section:

index_description.modify {addend ('index_director' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_director'}
index_description.modify {addend ('index_actor' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_actor'}
index_description.modify {addend ('index_presenter' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_presenter'}

index_subtitle.modify {addstart ('index_titleoriginal' not "") | ('index_titleoriginal')}
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_episode' not "") | ('index_episode')}
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_productiondate' not "") | ('index_productiondate')}
index_subtitle.modify {addstart ('index_category' not "") |['index_category'] }
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_rating' > "1") | ['index_rating'] }
index_writer.modify  {clear}
index_rating.modify {clear}
index_productiondate.modify {clear}
index_titleoriginal.modify {clear}
index_actor.modify {clear}
index_director.modify {clear}
index_presenter.modify {clear}
index_episode.modify {clear}
index_category.modify {clear}
index_videoquality.modify {clear}

You will get a more classical ordening of things.  I see I left this in there, for my own benefit.  (I use this kind of moving around stuff - instead of REX)


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Thank you very much for the reply.

I've been testing what you set me and I have not noticed changes.

Is there any way to force the first option date is the second principal actors the third and fourth description?

in the series it works as I want writing season and episode. You may put before this date ?.

Regards and thanks for everything.

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I do not really understand, what you want.

But if you want everything in the description field, in a special order, this can be arranged.

Can you tell me in which order?


From what i can make of your description I interpret you wanted something like this:

  <programme start="20150731052200 +0200" stop="20150731060600 +0200" channel="SYFY">
    <title lang="es">Haven</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">[Series] . (2013)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Cuando la rama se rompe (Temporada 4 Episodio 12)
Eric Balfour, Lucas Bryant, Emily Rose
William trata de obligar a Audrey a aceptar su pasado presentándole un dilema imposible que podría causar la muerte de cientos de personas


In the description field:

1. The episode title - and episode information

2. director

3. Actors

4. Description (s)


If this is not correct pls. correct.  I can certainly do this.  It is just a matter of changing some instructions.







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It's just that I need. thank you.
it would appear all in the description.
The next would order the part description
1. date
2. name of episode, season and episode number
3. Director
4. actors
5. Description

 for example, it would be the guide.xml:

 <programme start="20150731090000 +0200" stop="20150731093000 +0200" channel="C+ Series">
    <title lang="es">House of Lies</title>
    <title lang="en">House of Lies</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">[Series] . Chupar con tranquilidad</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Final de temporada. Marty está a punto de hacer de K&amp;A una de las mejores del negocio, si consigue persuadir a sus empleados para que se queden, claro. Clyde, Doug y Kelsey esperan una jugosa oferta, y Roscoe, por su parte, afronta las consecuencias. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - El nominado al Oscar y ganador de un Globo de Oro Don Cheadle vuelve como el consultor con menos escrúpulos del mundo empresaria en una cuarta temporada que supone la caída y el ascenso de Marty Kaan. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Tras ser traicionado por Jeannie (Kristen Bell) y cumplir su tiempo en la prisión de White Collar, Marty está de vuelta mientras ella espera junto a Clyde (Ben Schwartz) y Doug (Josh Lawson), recogiendo las piezas de la corrupta y diezmada Kaan &amp; Associates. La fuga de clientes es abrumadora, y la compañía se encuentra en una grave encrucijada, pero Marty sólo tiene una cosa en la cabeza: debe ganar a cualquier coste. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Al reparto se incorporan esta temporada Larenz Tate ("Rush") como Malcolm, el hermano de Marty, Demetri Martin ("The Daily Show with Jon Stewart") y Valorie Curry ("The Following"). Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Basada en el libro de Martin Kihn publicado el 2005, "House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time", la serie creada por Matthew Carnahan es una comedia repleta de ironía y humor políticamente incorrecto, ingredientes perfectos para dibujar la América empresarial desde el punto de vista del ambicioso mundo de las consultoras. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Está protagonizada por Don Cheadle ("Hotel Rwanda"), nominado a varios Emmy y ganador de un Globo de Oro por su papel en la serie; Kristen Bell ("Veronica Mars"), el ganador de un Emmy Ben Schwartz (prolífico guionista, productor y actor) y el australiano Josh Lawson ("Wilfred")(n)</desc>
      <actor>Don Cheadle</actor>
      <actor>Ben Schwartz</actor>
      <actor>Kristen Bell</actor>
      <actor>Josh Lawson</actor>
    <icon src=""">" />
    <rating system="ES">

and as I would like to see the description:

2015. Chupar con tranquilidad. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Final de temporada."Actores" Don Cheadle,Ben Schwartz,Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson. Marty está a punto de hacer de K&amp;A una de las mejores del negocio, si consigue persuadir a sus empleados para que se queden, claro. Clyde, Doug y Kelsey esperan una jugosa oferta, y Roscoe, por su parte, afronta las consecuencias. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - El nominado al Oscar y ganador de un Globo de Oro Don Cheadle vuelve como el consultor con menos escrúpulos del mundo empresaria en una cuarta temporada que supone la caída y el ascenso de Marty Kaan. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Tras ser traicionado por Jeannie (Kristen Bell) y cumplir su tiempo en la prisión de White Collar, Marty está de vuelta mientras ella espera junto a Clyde (Ben Schwartz) y Doug (Josh Lawson), recogiendo las piezas de la corrupta y diezmada Kaan &amp; Associates. La fuga de clientes es abrumadora, y la compañía se encuentra en una grave encrucijada, pero Marty sólo tiene una cosa en la cabeza: debe ganar a cualquier coste. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Al reparto se incorporan esta temporada Larenz Tate ("Rush") como Malcolm, el hermano de Marty, Demetri Martin ("The Daily Show with Jon Stewart") y Valorie Curry ("The Following"). Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Basada en el libro de Martin Kihn publicado el 2005, "House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time", la serie creada por Matthew Carnahan es una comedia repleta de ironía y humor políticamente incorrecto, ingredientes perfectos para dibujar la América empresarial desde el punto de vista del ambicioso mundo de las consultoras. Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Está protagonizada por Don Cheadle ("Hotel Rwanda"), nominado a varios Emmy y ganador de un Globo de Oro por su papel en la serie; Kristen Bell ("Veronica Mars"), el ganador de un Emmy Ben Schwartz (prolífico guionista, productor y actor) y el australiano Josh Lawson ("Wilfred")(n)


The movies I would also like to see it so.

a greeting and thank you very much


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This should now ge generated:

  <programme start="20150731190200 +0200" stop="20150731193500 +0200" channel="C+ Series">
    <title lang="es">House of Lies</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">(2015)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Temporada 4 Episodio 124 - Chupar con tranquilidad
Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
Final de temporada. Marty está a punto de hacer de K&amp;A una de las mejores del negocio, si consigue persuadir a sus empleados para que se queden, claro. Clyde, Doug y Kelsey esperan una jugosa oferta, y Roscoe, por su parte, afronta las consecuencias, Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
El nominado al Oscar y ganador de un Globo de Oro Don Cheadle vuelve como el consultor con menos escrúpulos del mundo empresaria en una cuarta temporada que supone la caída y el ascenso de Marty Kaan, Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
Tras ser traicionado por Jeannie (Kristen Bell) y cumplir su tiempo en la prisión de White Collar, Marty está de vuelta mientras ella espera junto a Clyde (Ben Schwartz) y Doug (Josh Lawson), recogiendo las piezas de la corrupta y diezmada Kaan &amp; Associates. La fuga de clientes es abrumadora, y la compañía se encuentra en una grave encrucijada, pero Marty sólo tiene una cosa en la cabeza: debe ganar a cualquier coste, Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
Al reparto se incorporan esta temporada Larenz Tate ("Rush") como Malcolm, el hermano de Marty, Demetri Martin ("The Daily Show with Jon Stewart") y Valorie Curry ("The Following"), Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
Basada en el libro de Martin Kihn publicado el 2005, "House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time", la serie creada por Matthew Carnahan es una comedia repleta de ironía y humor políticamente incorrecto, ingredientes perfectos para dibujar la América empresarial desde el punto de vista del ambicioso mundo de las consultoras, Actores: Don Cheadle, Ben Schwartz, Kristen Bell, Josh Lawson
Está protagonizada por Don Cheadle ("Hotel Rwanda"), nominado a varios Emmy y ganador de un Globo de Oro por su papel en la serie; Kristen Bell ("Veronica Mars"), el ganador de un Emmy Ben Schwartz (prolífico guionista, productor y actor) y el australiano Josh Lawson ("Wilfred")</desc>



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Or you may prefer this one (contains some extra white lines between the info sections)



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Perfect. Thank you so much, it was exactly what I wanted.
just one more request, you would lack the "date" in the order number one.
I use the plus_4.ini
Greetings and thanks again

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If you want to applu this to the plus.es_.ini

Delete in this SiteIni:

index_category.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates)}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_description.modify {addend ('index_director' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_director'}
index_description.modify {addend ('index_actor' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_actor'}
index_description.modify {addend ('index_presenter' not "" separator=", " )|\n'index_presenter'}

index_subtitle.modify {addstart ('index_titleoriginal' not "") | ('index_titleoriginal')}
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_episode' not "") | ('index_episode')}
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_productiondate' not "") | ('index_productiondate')}
index_subtitle.modify {addstart ('index_category' not "") |['index_category'] }
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_rating' > "1") | ['index_rating'] }
index_writer.modify  {clear}
index_rating.modify {clear}
index_productiondate.modify {clear}
index_titleoriginal.modify {clear}
index_actor.modify {clear}
index_director.modify {clear}
index_presenter.modify {clear}
index_episode.modify {clear}
index_category.modify {clear}
index_videoquality.modify {clear}


and replace with this

*For classical credits - remove the next lines

category.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates)}
category.modify {cleanup}
description.modify {addstart('actor' not "" separator=", ")|Actores: 'actor'\n\n}
description.modify {addstart('director' not "" separator=", ")|Director: 'director'\n\n}
description.modify {addend ('index_presenter' not "" separator=", " )|Presentor: 'index_presenter'\n\n}
temp_2.modify {addstart|'episode'}
temp_2.modify {addend ('subtitle' not "")| - 'subtitle'}
subtitle.modify {clear}
description.modify {addstart('temp_2' not "") |'temp_2'\n\n}
description.modify {replace|\||\n\n}
subtitle.modify {addstart ('titleoriginal' not "") | ('titleoriginal')}
index_subtitle.modify {addstart ('index_category' not "") |['index_category'] }
index_subtitle.modify {addend ('index_rating' > "1") | ['index_rating'] }
description.modify {addstart ('productiondate' not "")|Año de producción: 'productiondate'\n\n}
rating.modify {clear}
episode.modify {clear}
category.modify {clear}
productiondate.modify {clear}
titleoriginal.modify {clear}
writer.modify {clear}
actor.modify {clear}
producer.modify {clear}
composer.modify {clear}
starrating.modify {clear}
rating.modify {clear}
presenter.modify {clear}
starrating.modify {clear}
videoquality.modify {clear}
videoaspect.modify {clear}
index_writer.modify  {clear}
index_rating.modify {clear}
index_productiondate.modify {clear}
index_titleoriginal.modify {clear}
index_actor.modify {clear}
index_director.modify {clear}
index_presenter.modify {clear}
index_episode.modify {clear}
index_category.modify {clear}
index_videoquality.modify {clear}


And if you do not like the empty line between the sections.  Change the \n\n in this to \n



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Thank you very much for everything.
it's just what I was looking for.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

this is me as displayed both in series and in movies, I use the kodi. I suppose you know


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thanks for the work done.

How can I a look for channels in to create a channel list and add the new channels?

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 3 years

Open the SiteIni for and activate the following:


**  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
**      #####  CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
** @auto_xml_channel_start
*index_site_channel.scrub {multi|"NOMBRE":"||"}
*index_site_id.scrub {multi|"CODIGO":"||"}
*index_site_channel.modify {cleanup}
*index_site_id.modify {cleanup}
** @auto_xml_channel_end

i.e removing in these statements the sngle * in front of them.

Now run WG++ again, with a channel in the config file.  You will have then a new channels list created.

Afterwards, disable thes statements again.  i.e put the * back in front of the lines.



Has donated long time ago
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 5 years
doglover wrote:

Open the SiteIni for and activate the following:


**  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
**      #####  CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file)
** @auto_xml_channel_start
*index_site_channel.scrub {multi|"NOMBRE":"||"}
*index_site_id.scrub {multi|"CODIGO":"||"}
*index_site_channel.modify {cleanup}
*index_site_id.modify {cleanup}
** @auto_xml_channel_end

i.e removing in these statements the sngle * in front of them.

Now run WG++ again, with a channel in the config file.  You will have then a new channels list created.

Afterwards, disable thes statements again.  i.e put the * back in front of the lines.




thanks! This is my little contribution :P

up to date

Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 5 days

good afternoon.

the website seems to have changed in terms of the information the director and actors.

I no longer displays this information in guide.xml (credits, icon, etc ..)

accompanying text.

"" </programme>
  <programme start="20150916061500 +0200" stop="20150916064500 +0200" channel="C+ Series">
    <title lang="es">Girls</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">[Series]</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Año de producción: 2015
Temporada 4 Episodio 7 - Pregúntame cómo me llamo
Hannah ha empezado con buen pie como profesora sustituta en un instituto, tanto que incluso consigue una cita con uno de sus compañeros. Las cosas se complican cuando Hannah decide pasarse por la exposición de arte de Mimi-Rose, donde se encuentra a Adam
Temporada 4 Episodio 7 - Pregúntame cómo me llamo
Cuarta temporada de la transgresora [......] Rita Wilson ("The Good Wife") como la madre de Marnie, Gaby Hoffmann ("Transparent") como la hermana de Adam, Louise Lasser ("Mary Hartman, Marty Hartman") y Ana Gasteyer ("Chicas malas"), entre otros(n)</desc>

previously it displayed information in this way

accompanying text

"""<programme start="20150731090000 +0200" stop="20150731093000 +0200" channel="C+ Series">
    <title lang="es">House of Lies</title>
    <title lang="en">House of Lies</title>
    <sub-title lang="es">[Series] . Chupar con tranquilidad</sub-title>
    <desc lang="es">Temporada 4 Episodio 12 - Final de temporada. Marty [.....]el ganador de un Emmy Ben Schwartz (prolífico guionista, productor y actor) y el australiano Josh Lawson ("Wilfred")(n)</desc>
      <actor>Don Cheadle</actor>
      <actor>Ben Schwartz</actor>
      <actor>Kristen Bell</actor>
      <actor>Josh Lawson</actor>
    <icon src=""">"">" />
    <rating system="ES">

Might take a look to see if I could leave as it had before?

many thanks beforehand

a greeting


Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 10 months


i am also interested in the plus,es

thank you


pd. it already works again

Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 5 days

Hi. has ceased to identify the number of episode. please help

Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 8 years


Can you download eurosport1 properly? I get a mixed channel


Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 8 years


Alguien puede decirme si puede descargar la guia de eurosport1 sin problemas? Cuando la bajo yo el primer dia no es eurosport1 y el segundo y posteriores ya lo hace bien.




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