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How to add episode number to title

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How to add episode number to title

I just want to add episode number to title only if episode number =! 0
This is what i have for now:

episode.scrub {single|<span class="desc">Odcinek:||</li>|</ul>}

episode.modify {cleanup}

episode.modify {cleanup}



I would also like to add season number and the scrub for this would look

like episode.scrub but instead of "Odcinek" it will be "Sezon"


But if both of the values return 0 I would like to not display anything thanks

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I'm using ini for

francis's picture
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The episode element, does not necessarily contains the episode number only. If season is know, it also contains that.
So what you could do (just out of my head):
temp_1.scrub {single|<span class="desc">Odcinek:||</li>|</ul>}   * this contains the episode number
temp_2.scrub {single|<span class="desc">Sezon:||</li>|</ul>}   * this contains the season number
temp_1.modify {cleanup}
temp_2.modify {cleanup}
episode.modify {addend('temp_1' not= "0")|season 'temp_1' } * put the season part in the episode element, if it is not 0
episode.modify {addend('temp_2' not= "0")|episode 'temp_2'} * put the episode part in the episode element, if it is not 0
next, you can do 2 things to get this into title.
1. just put it in the .ini file
2. use the REX post processor, to put it there.
1. just add
title.modify {addend('episode' not= "")| ('episode')} * put the episode element at the end of the tile (if not empty)
2. never used it much, so can't realy help with that. But if you look at the examples in the rex.config file, you would be fine.
If the episode stuff is an addition to the existing .ini, could you upload your working version?
That way, people can benefit of your(/our) effort.

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Last seen: 8 years

Thanks Francis
I'm attaching my ini file.
I also did not use the season in title i Just used the episode and production date.
And I did some cleanups to remove </span> tags. Maybe there is a better way to do it but i do not know about it so i just jused modify {remove....

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Last seen: 8 years

I also have one more question. How I can add a dummy show to my generated epg?
Any idea?
I saw something like this in different thread

site {cultureinfo=en-GB|maxdays=14|charset=utf-8|skip=<skip>noskip</skip>|keepindexpage}

url_index {url|}

index_showsplit.scrub {single||||} * copies the html page

index_showsplit.modify {clear}

index_showsplit.modify {addstart|1\|2\|3\|4\|5\|6\|7\|8\|9\|10\|11\|12\|13\|14}

index_start.modify {addstart|00:00}

index_stop.modify {addstart|23:59}

index_title.modify {addstart|dummy program}

index_description.modify {addstart|Created by WebGrab+Plus, your favorite TVguide Grabber.}



but this will replace my current channel I just want to add a dummy channel to the end of my guide.xml or something similar





francis's picture
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To add a dummy channel, just save the text you found in the other tread, into a .ini file. Say dummy_channel.ini
And in your config file just add a line for this channel lik:
<channel update="i" site="dummy_channel" site_id="dummy_id" xmltv_id="your_xmltv_id_you_want">Some dummy channel name</channel>
Thats all.

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