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whats on india epg ini request

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whats on india epg ini request

this site ini not working anymore ,how ever i am able to find mobile url for epg ,any one please update channel list and ini with below new epg link
random no. my not work then open
and cleick on ann channel.

WGMaker's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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I tried for several days with your url but to no avail. For a short while there was some response but then it stopped. I think it is some kind of a development link for the site.
I am now adding the tvguide of , maybe that is an alternative.
Do you have other suggestions?

WGMaker's picture
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as announced,  an  (hopefully) usefull alternative for India ,, is now available @

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thanks for help ,yes this alreate work for me.
i appreciate your help.

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Last seen: 10 months

I am trying WG with tv burrp on linux. The download starts fine then i start getting '403' error. 
1. Is it possible to rate limit the download?
2. Is it possible to only download the TV listings and NOT download the show details. I wonder if WG is try to get show details which dont exist.
A run is as follows:
#mono WebGrab+Plus.exe "$(pwd)"

         WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/52.22

                           Jan van Straaten

          many thanks to Paul Weterings and Francis de Paemeleere

File /home/xx/wg++/guide.xml not found, creating a new one ..

Update requested for - 2 - out of - 2 - channels for 1 day(s)
Update mode - set per individual channel

      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

Star Movies updating, using site TV.BURRP.COM, mode incremental
Error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Pausing 1 of 4 times for 5 seconds before re-try.

Error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Pausing 2 of 4 times for 10 seconds before re-try.
#cat WebGrab++.config.xml

<postprocess run="n" grab="y">mdb</postprocess>
<retry time-out="5">4</retry>

<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; yie9)</user-agent>
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="star-movies/59" xmltv_id="Star Movies">Star Movies</channel>
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="star-plus/29" xmltv_id="Star Plus">Star Plus</channel>
#cat WebGrab++.log.txt
WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/52.22 -- Jan van Straaten

Job started at 5/10/2014 1:32:47 AM

reading /home/xx/wg++/ -- Revision 0

Running on Unix

Input file /home/rs4/wg++/guide.xml not found   ... created a new one ...
Update requested for - 2 - out of - 2 - channels and for 1 day(s)
Update mode set per individual channel

Channel Star Movies site -- TV.BURRP.COM -- update mode incremental

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 8 years

only solution is find india proxy and use it or buy VPN ,otherwise you will not able to download.

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 10 months

Following is a trace using Indian VPN. It is hitting the same error. Any idea?

$ mono WebGrab+Plus.exe /home/xx/wg++

WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/53.16

Jan van Straaten
Francis de Paemeleere

many thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

file /home/xx/wg++/guide.xml not found, creating a new one ..

update requested for - 2 - out of - 2 - channels for 1 day(s)
update mode - set per individual channel

i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new

Star Movies updating, using site TV.BURRP.COM, mode incremental
error downloading page: The request timed out
pausing 1 of 4 times for 5 seconds before re-try.

Star Plus updating, using site TV.BURRP.COM, mode incremental
error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
pausing 1 of 4 times for 5 seconds before re-try.

error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
pausing 2 of 4 times for 10 seconds before re-try.

error downloading page: The request timed out
pausing 3 of 4 times for 15 seconds before re-try.

error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
pausing 4 of 4 times for 20 seconds before re-try.
error downloading page: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
pausing 1 of 4 times for 5 seconds before re-try.

job started at 05/10/2014 18:19:37
WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/53.16 -- Jan van Straaten ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- job started at 05/10/2014 18:19:37 reading config file: /home/xx/wg++/WebGrab++.config.xml loading timezone data embedded timezones source: WebGrab_Plus.TimezonesData.txt found: /home/xx/wg++/ -- Revision 0 timezone=UTC+05:30 mapped with timezone_id "Asia/Calcutta" running on Unix input file /home/xx/wg++/guide.xml not found ... created a new one ... update requested for - 2 - out of - 2 - channels and for 1 day(s) pdate mode set per individual channel channel Star Movies site -- TV.BURRP.COM -- update mode incremental suspicious title in index page = The Karate Kid differs from title in showdetails = The Karate Kid (1984) Summary for update of Star Movies missing shows added 0 changed shows updated 0 new shows added 11

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Last seen: 10 months

Is it possible to find out the URL giving the 403 error?

WGMaker's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 12 years
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In the siteini you use add (debug) as argument to the lines that start with either url_index, index_urlshow, index_urlsubdetail or urlsubdetail. You must do that between () just before the first | in the line. Like
url_index {url(debug)| .....   }
This will list the expanded url in the logfile. The last one before the error  is the one with  the error.

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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