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Converting <decryptkey> XML tag to JSON

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Converting <decryptkey> XML tag to JSON

I'm using wgmulti to run multiple wg instances but it seems that wgmulti doesn't export the tag to json conf. Therefore I can't grab data.
I would like to put those setting manually but I don't know which key and value I will need it.

Should be something like this:

{"decryptkey": {"site": "", "text": "mysecretkey"}}
Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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its not being exported because wgmulti hasn't been updated to include it.
simply adding it to the json config file wont work as again wgmulti isn't looking for it to pass the value onto webgrab when it runs it.

the creator can be found on git hub here..

if you look under the "issues" tab you will see someone already asked about encrypted ini's about 16 hrs ago so wait and see if the creator replies.

btw the json string would look more like this(I used the same format as it show in wgmulti

"decryptkey": {"site": "site-name", "key": "key"}

again as I said above wgmulti isn't looking for this setting when it converts the wgconfig file so nothing is written,the creator may choose different attribute names for "site" and "key" than I did in my example above when its added so don't take it for granted that what I said is hows its going to be,its just a example.

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 5 years

Thanks for your reply and explanation!

Blackbear199 wrote:

someone already asked about encrypted ini's about 16 hrs ago

That was me :)

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