Hi, could someone look on cyfrowypolsat.pl.ini file please?
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
Dany klucz nie był obecny w słowniku.
w WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication(String[] args)
w WGconsole.Program.Main(String[] args)
Also seems that cyfrowypolsat.pl_cookie.txt file has to be coppied to main folder of WebGrab from siteini folder. Otherwise WebGrab can't find this file.
You can download the cookie from the browser, using a plugin called cookies.txt. There is also another plugin called "Edit This Cookie" does the same.
Save the cookie and put into the webgrab dir or the path you have in site ini.
I have updated cookies with cookies.txt but still doesnt work. I have attached log file. Maybe has to be done some changes in site.ini file?
Yes It is works! Thanks a lot :)
I have the same issue with the cyfrowypolsat.pl.
I will update the channel XML and the EPG and get all time the error.
I´m using WG Version 2.15 beta and all other channels running perfect,
Cookies: I donwload the Cookie file from Page: http://www.cyfrowypolsat.pl/program-tv/lista-kanalow/ with Export Cookie.txt ( Chroom) and i select "all"
I put the Cookie in my WG Folder and rename to cyfrowypolsat.pl_cookie.txt and also i put this file in my sitipack Folder poland.
After running WG this modifacte the Cookie file and shortered the text.
What i have to do?
It´s done