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Request for SKY IT (DVB-T)

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Request for SKY IT (DVB-T)

Hello everyone, I write to make a request for creation for the TV guide of SKY IT for digital terrestrial.
The guide contains the most important Italian channels, it would be the most complete.


WG++ Team memberDonator
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Please check site.ini pack, it's already in there. You may need to run channel update (see )

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 5 years

Well, I changed the name of the channels and now I can take the epg. The only thing is that it is not complete, the information of the episodes is missing and to some from a description of the series and not of the episode. What should I check in the .ini file?

WG++ Team memberDonator
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did you compare to site if informations are correct or missing form the source ?

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Yes, the information is all found, but to some it is not the detail of the program

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This is what I see from the site::

//How I Met Your Mother

Traccia Episodio:
S3 Ep17 La regola infranta - E' il giorno del trentesimo compleanno di Ted e gli amici gli hanno organizzato una festa a sorpresa, di cui lui, pero', sembra sia gia' a conoscenza... Prox Ep. 13 gen 0:25.//

This in the guide:


How I Met Your Mother
E' il giorno del trentesimo compleanno di Ted e gli amici gli hanno organizzato una festa a sorpresa, di cui lui, pero', sembra sia gia' a conoscenza... Prox Ep. 13 gen 0:25
Sit Com

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WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
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well almost right....the problem is that when taking/scrubbing informations, is not always correct (from the site) so you may have one show correct and another show is not, this depends on who enter informations on epg guide. WE (humans) easly recognize that change, but becomes quite difficult to handle it in xmltv format, as you should interpeter the words.
S3 Ep17 La regola infranta - E' il giorno del trentesimo compleanno di Ted e gli amici gli .........
If it is "always" like that we can say: Series 3 Episode 17 (remove that and use it as "episode" the rest as sub-title, if it is all before the "-" all the rest after " - ", use it as description so we will have :

title: How I Met Your Mother
sub-title: La regola infranta
episode: S3 Ep17
description : E' il giorno del trentesimo compleanno di Ted e gli amici gli ...........

Unfortunately it's not always like that. Think about someone enter: La regola infranta S3 Ep17 - E' il giorno del trentesimo compleanno ......You will not have correct info.
Another one:
at the end remove "Prox Ep. 13 gen 0:25"
if they change to Prossimo Episodio 13 gen 0:25....what we do to remove Prox Ep....will not work.
So some shows are correct some other are not, if we fix one we broke the endless story, that is due to human errors, most of the times.Sometimes site.ini needs update, but i don't think is the case right now.

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